@KyanaMahone Why Do We Do This?

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I walked into the house after hanging out with some friends. Austin was at the diner table playing with his food looking llike he was very focussed and in thought. I walked by him and kissed his cheek. "Hey. I miss you" I said. I looked back at him, shocked that he didn't respond. "Hey?" I repeated, but he just stood up. Through his fork across the table and walked away upstairs. I stood there dumbfounded and shocked that he really just did that. I sat my stuff down and walked up the stairs after him. I pushed open our bedroom door and leaned on the frame. "Are you ignoring me?..What's wrong?" I asked concerned. "So..You're not gonna speak?" he didn't respond. He just began undressing and taking off his shirt. I rolled my eyes and walked back down the stairs. We've been arguing a lot lately and I couldn't do it anymore. I didn't want to.

After eating something fast I walked up the stairs and into our room. We didn't even look at each other. I just walked straight into the restroom. I shut the door and began taking off my clothes and got into the hot shower. I'm not sure if our relationship is going to last..I hope it does..but I don't know how it would. I wrapped the towel around myself and walked into the room. He was on his phone texting. I put on a long T-shirt. "Your friend called." he finally spoke. "Who?" I asked I put on socks. "Alan." he said. I rolled my eyes. We already had this talk that Alan was just a friend. I haven't even talked to Alan in 3 months thanks to Austin. "Austin -" "Yeah I know...He's just a friend. You guys don't do anything but hangout...So why the hell does he always calm at like 3am?!" he got loud. Why does he always want to fight!!! "Austin he lives out of state! At 3am here it's like 12pm there!" I yelled "I don't care. You should just go live with him." "Austin!...Maybe I will! Because this is just becoming stupid!" I yelled feeling tears forming in my eyes. I began getting some clothes from my dresser. I put them into a bag. He stopped me. "No..Stop. I..I didn't mean it." I ignored him and called Alan telling him. While Austin stared at me in disgust. "Well fine. Leave if you want." he said.

That night we really didn't sleep we both just stayed awake silently thinking on what ever happened to us.

I woke up before Austin and went downstairs. He came downstairs while I was eating breakfast. "I should be able to leave this weekend." I said quietly. "He paused and looked at me. "Kyana. I don't want you to leave..." he said "Then why would you say it? You know I love you and there's nothing between Alan and I!" I said aggravated. "I...I get kind of jealous." he said honestly. I smiled. "I wont leave. But next time..I might." he smiled and kissed my lips. "Kyana, I love you." he whispered in my ear while he held me. "I love you to." I mumbled. "Austin...Why Do We Do This?" I asked "I don't know." he whispered back. I love him. I can't just leave him...

For Kyana.


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