Love At First Sight.

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This just came to my mind. I might even make this a new story and name it "Love At First Sight." but first I need to know what you all think.

Her names Katrina. She's a simple girl. His name is Harry (Styles). He's not very simple. She's shy. He's very popular in school. She's pretty. He's the hottest in school. She has flaws. He seems perfect, but he has secrets. She seems like she has it all. But she goes home to nothing. He cares about his reputation. She doesn't care what others see her as. She doesn't even remember the last time she saw herself. She's 17 she lost her sight at 7 years old. She's blind.


I walked down the halls listening to sound closely knowing if someone was infront of me or not. I was in a new school and had to learn new details of this one. I held onto the sleeve of my sister as we walked and talked. "Whoa this way." she'd laugh. "Sorry. I thought there was a turn." I said. "Okay. This is your class. I'll come with you." "No. No. I got this." I never liked to be babied. I didn't want to be treated any different. I just used my arms or things in my hands to feel. Usually I just use my ears or feel vibration underneath my feet as I walk. If vibration gets closer something is near me or moving my way. If vibration is further away then someone is walking in my direction in front of me. I use my senses very well. "Alright. Be careful." "I'll try I said laughing." I felt the doorknob and walked into the class. I could feel the class staring at me. I smiled and waved. I always wondered what I looked like smiling. Are my teeth strange? Are my lips weird? Oh well. "Katrina Wuard?" I snapped my head in the direction of an older women's voice. "Yes?" "You sit in the back. Next to Niall. Niall stand so she knows who you are." she must not know I'm not sighted. But I followed the vibrations of his seat and feet moving. I felt for a seat. "Here?" I asked "That is the only chair open. Of course." she said sarcastically. "Sorry...I couldn't see." I kind of joked to myself. I shifted around waiting for sound, so I could know where to be looking at. "Okay class. Today..." I found her voice. "Turn to page 72 in section 11." "Um..Where is that at?" I asked the person on my right. "72." "I can't..." the girl sighed almost annoyed. "Here.." I heard pages flip in front of me. "Thanx. Sorry." I said "Um..You're looking in the wrong direction. It's on the next page. I'm Ashley by the way." "Thank you again." I looked down and left hoping I was looking at the right thing. I zoned out for a moment thinking.

"Katrina would you mind writing the theme of this selection on the board?" I stood up. Hoping I was walking in the correct direction. "Um...It's right here next to me. You okay?" asked the teacher. I quickly turned my head her way and nodded following her voice. "Right here." she tapped the board I felt for a marker and picked it up. "Do I have to write it?" I asked silently hearing some giggles. "Of course." the teacher said sounding aggravated. "I...I can't." I felt embarrassed. I hate explaining that I wasn't able to see anymore. "Yes you can." "I can't see." "That's the worst excuse ever honey. Would you rather do this or let the whole class get homework?" The class sighed and groaned irritated. "I'm blind..." I looked down hearing silence grow amongst the room. It was horrible. "That isn't I. your papers." "I don't ask for it to be. I want to be treated like a human." I said quietly. "Ashley. Can you help Katrina back to her seat." "No. I'm blind. I know how to walk though." I joked, but it didn't seem funny to the class. I found my way back to my seat relieved that I wouldn't have to worry about the tension any longer.

After class I waited untill it sounded as if everyone had left so I could walk in the hall. I could hear and feel students scattering.

I ended up being pushed immediately. "Can you not see!! Are you blind!" yelled some Guy with an English accent. I didn't drop anything so I just stood up. "Sorry...I'm just in a rush." the Guy apologized "Sorry." I said "Are you new?" he asked "Yes." "Well you shouldn't bump into people like that. They'll think you're blind or mentally slow." he joked "That's not funny...I am blind." he was silent I thought he might have walked away. "You're really blind." "Yes." I replied. "I'm so sorry." he said "It's alright." I said "You're very pretty though." he said. "Thanks." I smiled "Can I walk you to class." I have to admit it. I do need help. I agreed to let him walk me to class.

Little did I know 6 six years later I would be walking down the aisle to him making me his wife. It was a miracle. We had 2 children. He wanted me to see how he looked. So on our 4 year anniversary he paid for a very expensive and dangerous operation. I was able to see after 2 years. I saw who my.true love was. But to be honest it was Love At First Sight that day we ran into each other. Even if I couldn't see him...I could see love. And he was it.

Random thought up short story. Should I make a full book? Let me know.


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