Chapter 34 - (2.3K Words)

Start from the beginning

You gasped loudly in pain, and your legs gave out underneath you. The back of your head hit the wall hard, and your back forced itself into an uncomfortable arch. You could feel your body shaking from all the pain that you were in. It didn't help that you could hardly function with your headache.

"(Y/N), are you okay?" You saw a blob of color move into your vision, which was blurred almost entirely. "What's wrong?"

"No, no, no," you whimpered using simple words, because it was all that you could manage. "Please help."

You heard another noise, probably coming from the blob, but you couldn't tell what it was. At this point, your brain had stopped processing most of what was going on around you. It had even become hard for you to move. Your body was starting to go numb.

You felt something soft take a hold of your hand while something else wrapped itself around your back. You felt the pressure in your hand go away, and you felt something else move gently beneath your legs.

The last thing that you remember was feeling of the floor disappearing beneath you, and everything in your mind crashing to a complete stop.

* * * *

You felt horrible.

Everything ached, and you couldn't move anything. No part of your body would respond to any of your efforts. Your eyes wouldn't open, you couldn't move your fingers, nothing at all. You weren't even sure if you were breathing.

I'm not dead am I? I would know if I was dead, right?

You could feel some part of your body slowly stir to life. A slow and shaky drum echoed through you, but you weren't sure what it was or what it was supposed to be. You could feel the drumming that was keeping your body alive start to speed up.

"Hey--I think she's waking up," you heard an excited voice come from somewhere beside you. "Quickly, someone go get Namjoon."

You heard quiet shuffling come from the environment around you. The noises quickly stopped, and once again, everything was peaceful. You could feel your body slowly start to respond to you, even though every time you tried to move, your body responded with what felt like burning hellfire and brimstone.

You felt something lightly tap your arm, but your body responded as if you had been hit violently. You could feel all of your muscles momentarily tense up, sending another wave of hellfire shooting through you. Your muscles slowly relaxed, and you felt sweet relief flowing through your veins as the pain ebbed away.

"(Y/N), it's me, Jungkook," you heard his voice ringing softly in your ears. "I need you to do me a favor. I need you to wake up."

I can't possibly be dead if Jungkook is here too.

Using as much of your strength as you could, you moved your lips and tried to make words happen. You could hear yourself try to speak, but you couldn't tell if you said words or just a random assortment of different sounds. You closed your mouth, and gave yourself a second to rest before trying again. Before you could do anything, Jungkook cut you off.

"Listen, I know it hurts, but you have to try to wake up," Jungkook said, encouraging you. "You're doing very well already. How about you open your eyes for me?"

You figured it was useless to waste what was left of your strength on replying to him. You channeled all of your strength to where you thought your eyes were.

All of a sudden, the world wasn't dark anymore. Instead, the world was bright white. You immediately closed your eyes to shield them from the unbelievable brightness just on the other side of your eyelids.

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