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Cody's POV

I smiled to myself as, I felt the sun come through my window. I blindly reached out to gather Emma up in my arms one more time but all I got was fist fulls of sheets. I slowly opened my eyes and looked at my empty bed.

She must just be downstairs getting breakfast from May.


I forgot.

I frowned and got out of bed I was still wearing the same clothes that I had on yesterday. But I didn't care I need to see Emma one last time. Her flight leaves at 10:00. I went to look at my phone and noticed my hat was gone and replaced was some pictures. That was my first red flag. I checked the time.


No messages.

No calls.

I flew out of my room and downstairs where I was hoping and praying I would see her long blonde hair. Instead I saw Jane with tear stained eyes. And Tate drink a cup of coffee he froze his coffee barley reach into his lips when he saw me.

"Where is she?!" I asked.

Tate was quiet. Jane just cried some more.

"Tate." I said walking to stand in front of him.

"She left, last night. Had her mom come and pick her up." He said quietly.

"No." I said running a hand through my hair as I raced back upstairs and flung her bedroom door open.

My heart sank at the sight of everything bear. It was just how it was three months ago. Empty.

"No! No! No!" I screamed hitting the wall with so much power it smashed a hole through it.

I didn't care about that though. I need Emma.

I ran to my room and grabbed my phone and keys snatching the pile of pictures she had left as he went back downstairs and out the door. Ignoring Tate's calls for me.

It takes about 40 minutes to get to the airport. I thought.

I can make it.

I drove the fastest I have ever drove down that old dirt road. Passing so many thing that reminded me of her. I picked up my phone and dialed her number over and over. It went straight to voice mail meaning she had it turned off. Or was on a plane. Which just made me push down on the gas pedal even more.

I had to get to her in time. I just had to. I couldn't just let her slip out of my hands that easily. Damn why would she just go? Didn't she want to at least try a long distance relationship? Didn't she want to try and make this work?

More anger rushed through me and I pondered on what I was gonna do when I got there. Kiss her? Beg her to stay? Haven't I tried every single thing and nothing has worked!

I hit the steering wheel causing my horn to go off. I mumbled a sorry to the guy in front of me even though I knew he couldn't hear me.

Relief washed over me as I saw the airport come into view. Glancing at the clock. 9:44.

Shit shit.

I barley parked and ran inside. I did not think this through. There was a million people in here I wouldn't be able to find her before her plane boards. Good hell I don't even know what number her flight is.

I went to some guy at a desks. Hoping maybe he could help.

"What number is a flight going to New York?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sir, this lane is closed." He said looking down at the sign on his freshly polished desk.

"You don't understand my girlfriend is on that flight and o have to catch her before she leaves. Please!" I begged.

The guy rolled his eyes.

"I'm sorry sir-I will help you." A young lady at the desk next to him asked.

"Oh thank you." I said moving to her counter and checking the time.


"Flights leaving to New York." She hummed typing away on her computer. "Do you know when it is suppose to leave?"


The girls eyes widen and I just nodded.

"Alright flight 267 boarding right now at gate 5." She said frowning.

"Well where is gate 5?" I asked looking behind me to see gate 24.

"Good hell." I mumbled.

"I'm so sorry- the girl started but I was gone before she could finish.

I had people give me dirty looks for pushing through and some shove me back. But I didn't care all I focused on was the number of gates.

Gate 16.


Gate 11.


Gate 5.


I ran up to the window reading the flight number above the door.


The plane doors closed.


Tears ran down my face as I watched the plane take off down the run way. Until it disappeared out of my sight. Even then I started after it.

She's gone.

She's really gone.

I walked with my shoulders slumped back to my truck. The same lady that helped me. Called out to me.

"I'm sorry sir, would this help any?" She asked handing me a drink of something.

I'm guessing coffee.

I didn't really drink coffee but I took it anyway. Quietly thanking her.

"I wish I could have helped more." She frowned.

"You help plenty." I said giving her a small smile before walking out the doors.

I groaned when I found a ticket on my windshield. Crumbling it up and tossing it inside I pulled out the ring, Josh had helped me pick out when we picked out April's ring. The only thing that confused me was the note I had keep inside was not in the same position I had placed it. I set the ring down on the seat and picked up the pictures.

There was one of me and Tate at the fair. Another of me and Emma at the lake swinging off the rope. One of us kissing on the steps of the house.

Really I never even noticed these where taken.

Another of us sitting in the barn while I saddled a horse. One of us making cookies together the day we had a hay and flour fight.

I smiled at the memories tossing the pictures back down on the seat some writing on the back caught my eye. I picked up the one of us kissing. On the back it said.

I felt bad for stealing your hat even though you said I could have it. I traded it with some pictures. -Emma.

It just confused me. Why she would just up and leave. Leave something like this but not a. Explanation note. Nothing. There was a knock on my window.

I turned to see an officers outside.


I rolled down my window.

"Good day sir." I said with a fake smile.

"I'm afraid you are not parked correctly. I have given you a ticket once do you need me to give you another." He said.

"No sir, sorry sir. I was just leaving." I replied rolling up the window and backing out. Heading back home.

Angry and utterly confused.

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