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Everyone tells you to prepare for after you graduate high school. Set yourself up well for college, find your dream career, fall in love with your soulmate and live happily ever after. At least that's how the movies always display things. The hard reality is real life ain't like the movies and that can really put a damper on your excitement for life out of high school.

"Sooo have you decided where you want to go for your senior trip?" My mother asked me as I trudge my way into our family room. Plopping down on the spotless white couch with a thud.

    "Not yet but when I do I'll let you know." I say popping a muddy buddy into my mouth. Receiving a quick glare from my mother, as she was probably trying to light the delicious muddy buddies in my hands on fire. She was on the whole healthy kick, and any sugary snack I brought into this house she looked at like I was committing the biggest sin.

    They were just so good though, once you ate one you couldn't stop until the whole bags gone.

    "Where is Lucy planning on going?" She asked averting her eyes from me and back to the stack of papers scattered on the kitchen bar.

    "Florida," I stated simply as I finished completely eating the last of my muddy buddies. "Well really, she decided to skip her senior trip and get a head start on school."

    "That's a smart idea." My mom mumbled. "Maybe that's what you outta do."

    "I feel like everyone is though." I almost whined sprawling out on the couch.

    "Everyone is what?" My mom asked looking up at me. Her bright blue eyes were extremely noticeable today they were so pretty something I'm glad I inherited from her. Sadly, they were about the only thing you'd be able to tell I inherited from her, just about everything else on her was fake. She's changed her naturally blonde hair to a more ombré brunette, and her lips started getting injected about four years ago. Her eyebrows were tattooed on and her cheek bones set high on her face.

My mother is a beautiful women don't get me wrong, but whatever made her think she needed to get fake boobs and hair to make her feel better about herself I'll never truly understand.

    "It's just I feel like all my friends from high school are all moving on." I said with a huff. "We are all going to move on with our lives get married to someone we don't even love, start dead end careers, go into debt, have babies, go into even more debt until we die now. All the fun wild adventures are over."

My mother stifled back a laugh as she put the papers she was holding down placing her hand on her hip and turning to face me, as I continued rambling on, my arms flopping around in exaggerating movements.

    "It's only been three days since graduation and Scarlett is already off to Paris. Josie is getting packed for Antartica."

    "Antartica?" My mom questioned cutting me off.

    "Yeah." I say blankly sitting up straighter as I continued on. "she meet a boy on tinder, they met once during spring break and she said she couldn't live without and is moving up there with him to freeze her butt of but don't worry he likes to cuddle."

    "Jesse is going on tour with his band end of this week. Jake went off to Montana, for that football scholarship. Hell! Mack is already moving to San Diego as we speak!" I said pointed to the left in the direction of his house since we were neighbors.

    "Language." My mother warned.

    I ignored her and went on.

    "His probably moving stuff outside and into a moving van right now, ready to forget about his childhood best friend and to never speak to me again. It's just everyone is moving on and I'm just here still... me. I don't have anything exciting planned or any idea what I am doing with my life." I finished slowly and realized I had slipped up with the last sentence. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath ready to take on the ranting I am going to get in return.

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