Chapter 25

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"How are you babe." My skin was frazzled and I was a bit sore. I groaned in response and heard his light chuckle flow throughout the room.

"It's not funny."

"I can't take away the current pain, but there's nothing I can do about the after pain." His lips attached to my neck and started targeting kisses around my jugular vein.

"How long have we been in here?" I asked after he had finished his gorgeous kisses. Everything about Nathan was perfect. Kisses included.

"A week." He replied while hurrying his face into my neck. His cold nose touched my neck's skin and almost made me forget about the time frame.

"A week?! What do you mean a week?!" I was bewildered. I felt like I'd only been here for hours, maybe a day at the most.

"Well we sort of got carried away, and I just couldn't let your sexy body walk away from me," he muttered as his eyes started to glaze over with lust. His hands started to reach for me again as the lust started to deepen. I quickly slapped his hand away.

"No, we are getting out of bed. Who knows what we have missed this last week. For all I know" I couldn't get the words out. My head started spinning as my digestive system started to throw a party. My hands reached out to cover my mouth before my vomit covered the floor of the room.

"Lana..." I heard Nathan's concerned voice, but I couldn't register what he was saying. Bathroom. I needed a bathroom now. My esophagus was starting to squeeze as the half digested chemicals started going up the tube. I spotted a door and ran towards it. Score, it was a bathroom.

I barely made it to the toilet seat before the contents of my stomach spilled out. Just looking at the orange mush mixed with chemicals had more bile rising out of my throat.

"Lana, I'm so sorry baby are you okay?" I felt a gentle hand come up and gently pull my loose brown hair away. My stomach continued to empty itself until it finally stopped. I had no food in my system anymore. My throat was squealing an unpleasant sound as I tried to bring up the food, but there was none left. Tears of pain were running down my face at the pressure I was quenching at.

"Lana, oh my world what has happened to you." Nathan's voice was shaken up as he held me close to him.

"The damn stomach bug that's what's gotten into me." I was pissed. Out of all the sicknesses I hated the stomach bug the most. Sadly I didn't have my barf medicine with me. I loved that thing. It was coconut flavored and my doctor had especially prescribed it because pills only made me vomit at the taste of them. Yeah, I'm a liquid medicine type of girl. Fuck you Advil.

"Really Lana? You're sick and think it's the appropriate time to curse at human medicine?" He shook his head and chuckled lightly. "Where getting you to a doctor." I groaned in response.

"No I hate going to the doctors, they're all so perverted."

"What?!" Nathan growled out and tightened his hands possessively around my waist.

"Well there was this one time were my doctor was away and a college intern was set to give me the check up."

"We're taking you to an angel doctor." He all but stated. No fighting this, why did I even tell him about that creep?

"Wait." I raised my hands up to shut his already moving mouth. "Angel's need doctors."

"No." He looked nervous about what he was about to say next. "Female angels only need a doctor."

"That is so se-"

"Yes I know it's sexist, but guys just don't get injured. Unless they're already dead that is." I raised my eyebrow, well eyebrows at him. I could never pull off that whole 'raise an eyebrow thing' that almost everybody I know could do.

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