Chapter 21

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(Just so you all know Jess is a fictional character I made up with Nathan's sisters' name. My character has no relation to the real Jess, so don't assume anything if something bad happens. My Jess is fictional with a personality and physical form I made up)

"Nathan," Garrett studied Nathan and tightened his arm around Nathan's sister, "and Lana." He turned to look at me. I felt Nathan's arm tighten around my waist as Garrett peered at me.

"I can't believe you left us, left me for this bravado filled monkey." Nathan pointed over at Garrett with his thumb while sending a questioning look to his sister.

"What do you want?" Garrett glared at Nathan. Nathan didn't seem to like this at all as he opened his mouth to send out his comeback.

"We were sent here by the high angel James." I spoke before I let Nathan even utter the first syllable of his comeback.

"The high angel you say?" Jess looked completely startled. "Whatever for?" Damn how I was I going to compete with the proper English everyone seemed to be fluent in. It's times like this where I regret not paying attention in English class.

"I think he knows." Nathan pointed at Garrett, who smiled tightly at him. Jess turned to him and lifted her arm onto his, silently exchanging a conversation with him.

"Yeah I know." He finally grumbled. "You might as well come in." He stepped away from the doorway, making room for both Nathan and I. "I've already taken the oath."

"Marvellous." Nathan smiled and smirked back. How was that even possible? I looked over at Nathan as we entered the small cottage. He still had that smile as he looked over at Garrett. Knowing Nathan, he's going take full advantage of annoying the last wit out of Garrett.

"Just go on ahead into the living area, we'll be there soon enough." I saw Jess pushing Garrett away with a furious look on her face. As I followed Nathan I could hear her patronising him on what oath he took.

"It seems like forever since I've had anytime with you." Nathan sat down on a plush seat that sinked at his weight and went in even deeper when my own was added as I was pulled onto his lap. I'd noticed that he'd like to do this a lot. His arms wrapped tightly around my waist.

"It makes me feel like I can keep you safe, here enclosed in my arms. Nothing other than me can touch you." He answered. my thoughts.

"I thought Jay was the only one who could read my thoughts, what have you been hiding Nathan?" He turned me around on his lap and smirked a little.

"Don't worry I can't see all those dark fantasies you have of me," he wiggled his eyebrows. I wonder, could I ever get through one conversation with Nathan without him turning it sexual in some way.


"You know I can't help it." I opened my mouth to ask a few more questions that I'd been itching to discuss. As if he knew he took my open mouth and shoved his tongue in, creating an immediate kiss.

"No fair," I managed to get in before his intoxicating lips landed on my own again. His arms came and wrapped even tighter around my waist as mine returned the favor by going around his neck. It got heated fast after that. Nathan's shirt was halfway gone, exposing his lean stomach while my bra was unclipped under my camisole.

"We need to stop." I was more than taken aback when Nathan reached his hands out and pushed me away. I backed away, I knew he was stopping for good reason, but I couldn't help, but feel rejected.

"Is it me?" The words left my mouth before I could stop them. His eyes widened in shock at my words as he raised his hand towards me in disbelief.

"Why in every world out in existence did that thought even cross your mind?" His voice came out rough and sugar coated with lust.

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