Chapter 15

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What was taking her so damn long? I was impatiently waiting in the car, tapping on the steering wheel. A sly smile touched upon my face as I thought of all the things I was going to do to her body tonight. I felt a tightening in my lower region as my pants felt way too small.

I looked over at the little flashing time on the car's radio.


What was she doing in the club for over twenty minutes? Maybe she found a guy in there. Anger pulled at the edges of my vision as my brain continued to taunt me by elaborating on the thought. I felt the now familiar burn on my back as I ached to stretch out the ghost of my wings.

I got out of the car, slamming the door. Both anger and jealousy fueled my body as I made my way towards the entrance of the club. Oh she better have a good excuse for this one.

"Sorry sir, I'm afraid I can't let you in." A big hand was slapped over my chest, stopping me from entering the club. I looked up into the dark eyes of the bouncer. Something raced down my spine at that moment. Those eyes. It was beyond a human to have that shade.

"And why not?" I questioned, getting right into his face. Who was he to think he was superior than I. He looked amused, which just added more gasoline to my already burning fire. What an idiot. Did he know what he was getting himself into?

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave." He shot me a smile and started to push me out. How dare he do that.

"Not a chance buddy." If he wanted a fight, then a fight he would get. I glared at him and he gladly returned it back to me. That's it, I was so done. I clenched my fist and swung it at his face, the face that dared to mock me. I heard a satisfying crunch as my knuckles connected with his already lopsided nose. I smirked a little, I wasn't the only one the bastard had seriously angered.

"Big mistake Nathaniel." I froze for a moment. I hadn't been called that since the days before I had fallen, when I was still an angel. It was then that I noticed the contracting of muscles in back, well not muscles but the release of wings. Not just any wings either. His eyes had confirmed my suspicions. He released the wings of a dark angel.

It was then when the knowledge hit me. This was why Lana hadn't gotten back. She'd been taken. The anger, worry, and another tornado of emotions hit me all at once. I knew going out was a horrible idea. What bothered me most was the fact that I had failed in protecting Lana. Lana, my Lana. I'd been around angels my whole life, yet nothing brought more hope or promises then her.

"What have you done to her." My voice tore out of me.

"Don't worry yourself there, the girl has been very co-operative." He held his nose, that was most likely mending as he spoke. His words came out smooth, my head was swimming with thoughts. What had they done to her? This was all my fault, me and my fucking ideas. I'd rather have her sulking than in danger.

"Where is she?" My voice came out fierce, from the look in his eyes he wasn't expecting that.

"That's from me to know, for now." The idiot had a death wish. That was the only explanation and the last straw.

"You son of a bitch." I swore and jumped up and tackled him. He was slightly bigger than me, but I didn't let that stop me. I heard screams from behind me as I beat the shit out of the guy. I couldn't stop. My fist connected with his face, chest, and stomach repeatedly. I wanted him in pain. I wanted him in unimaginable pain. I wanted him near death. Since he couldn't die, I'm going to make him wish he could.

"Where is she?!" I screamed and lunged at him, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. He refused to speak, instead he opened his mouth and spit dark blood onto my face.

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