new Teacher

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I was sleeping peacefully until my alarm clock went off I look at the time and it's 7:00 school don't start until 9:00 "Kaitlynn honey are you up?" My mom Lenora yells "yeah I'll be down in a bit" I yell back I grab, a pair of jeans with a black short sleeved t-shirt after I got, dressed I brushed, my teeth and brushed, my hair and put, it up in a ponytail after that I ran, down stairs
"Skipping breakfast hun" my mom says chuckling "yeah I just wanna go to school bye mom" "OK love you have a good day honey" my mom says laughing. "Love you too mom"I said as I walked, to school since the school is down the road. I arrive at school and I see my best friend Ashley "hey Ashley what's up?" I say walking, to class with her "hey Kaitlynn nothing much I heard we got a new homeroom teacher" "that's good I can't wait to see who it is" I say with a big smile on my face. We arrived at our homeroom Ashely and I walk, in and takes our seats soon everyone is seated and principal heardman walks, in the classroom "good morning students today you will have a new teacher and I expect you to be on your best behavior please so please give a warm welcome to Mr. Jackson" soon a handsome man walks, all the girls including me went crazy because of how cute he is. Soon principal heardman walked, out of the room and soon Mr. Jackson began to speak "hello everyone I'm Mr. Jackson your new homeroom teacher let's get to know each other shall we" soon it was my turn to introduce myself after I introduced myself Mr. Jackson smiled, at me "that was very impressive Kaitlynn" I gave, him a smile and he smiled back. "He's so cute" I whispered to Ashley "I know right" she says with a smile. Soon class was over "Kaitlynn can I see you for just a moment? Please" "yes Mr. Jackson I say looking down thinking I'm in trouble. " your not in trouble Kaitlynn I see that you have been having a bit of trouble with math" he says chuckling. "Oh OK do you think you can help me with my math Mr. Jackson?" I say shyly "of course Kaitlynn after all I am your teacher" he says with a smile and winks at me.
"I'll see you tomorrow Mr. Jackson bye" I say smiling at him he smiles back "bye Kaitlynn see you tomorrow I soon arrive home and my mom was making dinner but she seems upset "mom I'm home are you OK? You seem upset" I say confused "yes I am hun come sit me and your dad need to talk to you I don't know how your gonna take this honey" "OK I said with a frown on my face. "Honey me and your dad are.... Are getting a divorce and your dad will have custody of you" "WAIT WHAT NO Y-Y- YOU CANT AND I DONT WANT TO BE WITH DAD MOM *cries and runs up to room*

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