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"We paint white roses red, each shade from a different person's head.
This dream, dream is a killer. Getting drunk with the blue caterpillar. " -Mad Hatter



I have to break it to her even if I would feel really bad.

"Uhm... Havent you heard?" I awkwardly asked.

She just smiled sweetly and even said a small joke.

"Well I couldnt hear clearly my dear, I would need a hearing aid for that matter." She joked making me laugh a bit.

"R-Right. Well my mum she... Mum has cancer." I blurted out suddenly.

Her smile faded and her eyebrows furrowed a bit.

Damn Harry. Look what you did.

"Oh. I'm really really sorry about that dear. Cancer is a very serious sickness, I can tell." She said slowly and patted my hand.

"I know. I will visit them though today, to see how theyre both doing." I smiled trying to at least remove the slight frown on her face.

She nodded and said,
"Please say that I wish them goodluck."

I smiled at her thought and said I would tell them that.

I hope I can without breaking down.

Mainly beacause I am sensitive ever since I was a little bloke.

They said I was a crybaby.

(a/n: #songreference MELANIE ♡)

But I couldnt blame them even if I wanted so badly.

I pushed the thoughts away and stood up after giving Aunt Bessie a tight hug and a goodbye.

Hard to say goodbyes aint they?

Trust me, I would know.

I walked out of the bakery and went to walk to my car when suddenly...

I bumped into someone.

Great just great. Clumsy old Harry is making a comeback.

"Fxck I'm so sorry I was kinda rushing." The girl said holding her spilled coffee.

Well I should say that she is lucky the coffee didnt spill o- wait. Why does she look familiar to me?

"N-no. Its probably because I wasnt looking where I was going. I'm such a clutz. Sorry." I apologized.

She looked up and my, its her. Its Elle.

But wait. It couldnt be her. She left... for France.

I'm sure its just my eyes or something.


"Wha- Harry? What are you doing here?" She asked.

And that was actually the answer to wether or not she was Elle.

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