Chapter 25 - And then there were four.

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Chapter 25 - And then there were four.


The road leading up to the mansion had seemed a lot shorter the last time Notorious had been there, she thought as her and her group walked up to the building.

Hermit and Merredith gripped hands tightly, and Notorious held Jasons right hand and Laylans left hand.

Everyone was looking forwards, their eyes set on their target. Except for Notorious.

She watched Hermit first, he was walking with purpose. After so many years locked away creating weapons that really had no use, he was finally able to help, and he looked proud of that.

Merredith looked anxious, but ready. She looked like she knew what she had to do and she was going to see it though no matter what.

Jasons face was almost unreadable, but Notorious use that tactic so many times that she could just unmask his feelings. He was scared. She could see the fear in his eyes. The last time he was here was the day he was turned into the very thing we were trying to destroy, and he didn't want to be here.

But he was hiding it very well, trying to be strong for everyone else. Another tactic Notorious used.

Laylan looked unfazed, he looked as though this was right where he belongs. And it was true. He had always been at home on the battlefield, giving orders and fighting his way through many enemies.

And as for herself, Notorious was terrified.

Not so much for herself, despite her sense of self preservation, but for her friends.

Her mentor and father figure, Laylan. Her boyfriend Jason. The boy who was like a brother to her, Hermit, and Merredith, the friend that could always cheer up a room.

They had all stuck by her in the past, and now here they all were, doing it all over again.

"I love you guys." She said, drifting her eyes over all of them.

Laylan gave her hand a squeeze, followed by a reassuring look, Hermit and Merredith smiled and her and Jason whispered it back to her.

She inhaled deeply and let her breath come back out as a sigh.

There it was, the front door.

They hadn't even discussed which entry to use, but the front door seemed as good as any.

Notorious let go of Laylan and Jasons hands and brought out her claws.

"I do a quick scan of the area." She whispered, and with a burst of energy she transformed into a dragon, all in one fluid movement.

She kicked up from the ground and her tail whipped the air behind her, her wings whistling as the wind skimmed their surface.

Once she felt she was high enough, she glided slowly around the building almost silently so that she could hear everything going on inside the house.

Bottom floor, that's where they were keeping the eximius. There sounded to be around 30 of them, all in close quarters.

Notorious knew that in a confined area that her and her friends would stand no chance against them, they would have to lure them out into the open.

She swooped back down and landed quietly in front of her group.

"There's around 30 of them, maybe more. All on the bottom floor." She told them.

"I would have noticed if that many people had gone missing, not to mention the amount of failures to successes in creating these things is two to one. I would have known if so many people had gone missing or turned up dead." Laylan shook his head.

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