student teacher affair

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Harry: "See me after class," Mr.Styles says firmly, finishing the order with a subtle wink. "All right, Mr. Styles," you reply, feigning annoyance. You anxiously tap your pencil on your notebook waiting for the bell to ring. Normally you'd hang onto every word Mr.Styles said in class--he was gorgeous and his voice was sweet as caramel, but all you could think about was after class. Why had he wanted to see you? Had you done anything wrong? Your mind flickers to the student-teacher relationship of Ezra and Aria in Pretty Little Liars and your cheeks flush. No, no, no. That's not going to happen. "...and that's how nuclear reactions work. Class dismissed," he concludes, setting down a piece of chalk and facing the room. He meets your gaze and a smile meets his eyes as the room empties and you linger behind--he was definitely not mad at you. What was up? "So, Miss (Y/N)," he begins, shutting the door as the last group of students trickle out. "I noticed your grades have been slipping a little. Why's that?" You feel your cheeks flush and give him a shrug. "You're kind of distracting," you admit, watching him sit on his desk and adjust the lapels of his suit. "Am I? Well, you're quite distracting as well," he purrs, placing his hand on your chin and forcing you to meet his gaze. A sudden burst of confidence washes over you with your words and you lean over, inches from his face. "How distracting, Mr. Styles?" you whisper, raising an eyebrow. "Call me Harry," he replies, before crashing his lips on yours

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