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One direction stalking you but fail.Liam:okay guys do we have what we need

Louis:I have the binoculars*Hold up binoculars*

Niall:I have the address

Zayn:I have the disguises

Harry:and I have the rope

Louis:Harry I don't think we need rope we are stalking her not kidnapping her

Harry:Ohhh well sorry I didn't get the memo.Well guys looks like I have nothing to offer*throws rope behind him*

Liam:You know what lets just go*Boys are now outside your house hiding behind the bushes*

Niall:Now what?

Liam:We wait for her to come out

Harry:*Takes binoculars from Louis*I want to see what's going on

Louis:You could have asked*rolls eyes*

You:*changing in your room*

Harry:* makes a perverted face*Mmmmm (lol. my favourite part)

Liam:Give me those!*takes binoculars away from harry

Harry:Aww man I was having fun

Louis:Harry and you wonder why people don't think your the youngest of the group.Pervert.

You:*starts to leave*

Niall:*points at you*Guys she's leaving!

Zayn:Great.Now what Liam?

Louis:I don't know about you guys but I think she left the door unlocked so....*Bolts it for the front door and gets into your house*

Liam:Louis noooo!!!*starts to run after Louis*

Zayn:My hair getting a bit flat I'm gonna go see if she has any hair products*goes into your house*

Harry:I wonder what her bras look like*runs into the house*

Niall:well I guess it's just me*stomach starts to grumble*Maybe she has food*runs into house and goes into your fridge*

Liam:Guys this isn't our house we can't just look at this girls stuff.

You:*enters house to see Louis on your couch playing fifa*What the?

Louis:*drops controller*Oh hello there.You um you have a killer X-box ehem.

You:Uhhh thank you.

Niall:Guys look she has pot pie!*sees you*Ohh hi you make a really good pot pie you know that*starts to scarf down your pot pie*

You:No wait I was saving that pie!!!

Zayn:You people need to learn to stop violating peoples privacy and you shouldn't be using her things.Gosh people.*sprays your hair spray on his hair*

You:Yeah-hey wait is that my hair spray and*starts to sniff Zayn*Is that my perfume you're wearing.Zayn:Noooo*smells himself*mmmm I smell like a summers day.

Liam:Okay rest assured miss I can assure you that none of us are creeps.

Harry:Hey guys how does this bra look on me*starts to model*

You:Yeah no all of you are creeps

Harry:and why would you say that?

You:Well you're wearing my bra,he ate my pot pie,you put on girls perfume,and he was playing my X-box,all of you are in here without permission.

Louis:Hey!be glad we are not old creeps or something.


You:I guess so I guess I should-wait a minute why are all of you here in the first place.

Liam:*Panics*Oh well you see we um we got lost and thought this was our place.

You:Oh well makes sense in that case I-

Niall:Wait I thought we came here to stalk her?


Niall:opss sorry boys

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