your drunk harry styles (not dirty)

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Harry: You've decided to go out with a few of your closest friends. It was Saturday, you felt like getting wasted. No biggy. You're in the club. It's one drink after another. You begin to stand up, but you immediately sit back down again. "Can't get up!?" one of your friends yells over the thumping music. "Uh, yeah! Too drunk!". "Another Cocktail for her please!" your friend offers. "What kind!?" "Sex on the Beach would be fab". "Are you trying to get me drunk!?" you say. "Possibly. Who cares. Lets get fucked up!". You're seeing stars. Your eye vision is getting abit blurry now. You had no idea where Harry was. "I'm so drunk!" your best friend screams laying her body all over some guy she doesn't know. "I have to use the pisser" you tell your friend. "Go take a shit" your friend says. You try to get up. You kept tripping everywhere and grabbing onto things. You reach the line up at the toilet. "Fucking hell" you say. You decide to call someone. Whoever. You picked Harry. The phone begins to ring. "(Y/N)!? Where are you!?" "Helloooooooo" you say back. "Why do you sound weird!? Are you drinking!?" Harry asks worried. "What does it matter to you" you say back laughing to yourself. "I'm coming to get you. Where are you" "There's a really long line up at the bathroom, I think some really fat chick went in. I'll be waiting for awhile". "(Y/N)! I'm serious! Where are you!?" "The music is awesome!" you say completely ignoring him. "(Y/N)! I'm not kidding around. Where the fuck are you!?" Harry yells. Oooh! Harry swore for once. "Bye bye Styles" you say and hang up the phone. You look ahead. "Oh god". It's now your turn to use the rest room. You look at the door. "Safe Sex! Condom's in the dispenser!". "Promoting sex are we!?" you drunkingly say. "Does this mean free condoms!?". You get out of the toilet and find your friends. "Hey, I, uh think I need uh some air!?" you say. "What kind of air" your friend asked. "Oxygen. I think. Wait is that water!?" you say. You begin to walk outside to get fresh air. You lean against the wall for a minute. The bouncer is staring at you. "You okay miss!?" he asks. You give him a thumbs up and a scary looking smile. "Okay then" he says and backs off next to the door. You move along to wall trying to move. "OH GOD!" you yell. You collapse to the ground throwing up into the gutter. You feel a pair of arms holding you up. It was Harry. Harry pulls a hair band from around his wrist and ties your hair up. "Haaarrrryy" you moan. "Hmmm" he says back. You throw up on the gutter again. "Oh Harry. Never again". Harry lifts you up bridal style. Your head was tilted back. Your legs and arms dangling. Harry gives a nod to the bouncer and walks over to his car. He gently lays you in the backseat of the Range Rover. Harry hops in the driver's seat and drives home.

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