"Best? Huh?" I crossed my arms over my chest. "The greatest! Now let's go skate! We'll have a race. I take this path and you take that one. The last one there has to pay for both ice creams," He responded.

"Okay. Ready, set, go!" I yelled and went my pathway. Again I passed trees and people and more people. I can't belive this many people were out here. It is a nice day but I didn't expect this many people to be here!

I passed a few couples walking while holding hands. It was very cute. I remember Collen and I used to take walks in the park holding hands. I missed it. The thought of Collen made my eyes glossy. 

I wonder what he is doing now. Does he have a girlfriend? Did he move on from me? 

I wanted to see him so badly! 

I skated through until I slowed down a bit looking around. That was until my eyes landed on a mop of curls. 

I stopped and hid behind a tree taking in the scene. Was that Harry? Snogging another girl? Yup that was Harry. I felt the tears slip out of my eyes. Not this again. 

I felt my inside explode into a million pieces. What is he doing? I thought he would stop his player ways. 

One thing I was happy about was that the girl wasn't Molly. That would of been worse. The girl had black hair and pink highlights. She was wearing a crop top that showed off too much of her stomach. She was wearing some denim shorts with see through tights. 

How does Harry go for those girls? Why can't he see that I am here who actually fancies him when those girls just wants nothing but sex and attention. But then again that's what he wants. 

I wiped the tears away, cursing at myself for wearing makeup.

Why is Harry here? With this chick? Why did he text me to know what I was doing? 

Wait what if he wanted to know what I was doing so he can go and make out with some other girl. He didn't want to get caught by me so he asked me what I was doing. It all fits. He thought this whole thing through but then again I was still here and I see him.

How does this make me feel you ask? I feel betrayed and disgusted. And not to even go to how hurt I am!

Why would Harry do this when he was at my house last night hanging out with me? We were getting along very well and I thought he would change but here he is kissing a girl behind my back.

But why should I care? It's not like I'm dating him and he's cheating on me....

This is like Molly and Bathroom situation all over again!

Why did I feel like he would change? I thought so many times but he just goes on hurting me. Why do I have to feel like a do? 

This is so fucking confusing! Life's a fucking hell!

"Meredith!" Someone yelled from behind me. 


I turned around to see Louis making his way up to me. I looked at Harry and the girl making out on the bench but they weren't anymore. They pulled apart and when Harry's eyes met mines, his widened. Yup, I was right. 

More unwanted tears fell. I wiped them away quickly. Louis made his way to me.

"Hey! I was waiting for you. Why are you still here? Were you crying? What-" Louis cut off when he spotted Harry. His smile fell as he stared at Harry. 

I turned to looked at Harry to see, he was stood up while the girl was still sitting down looking our way confused. 

This is so fucking messed up! Disgust was written all over Louis' face. Why didn't I just ignore Harry and the girl and just kept skating?

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