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How is it like to live with someone with OCD:
1) Meals have to be eaten at specific timings
2) our three dogs have their food weighed at exactly 9g,10g,12g
3) Every strand of hair has to be picked up
4) The house has to be spotless
5)Drop candy in the kitchen and you'll have to mop the entire house 3 times
6) Windows have to remain shut to keep dirt out
7) Our dogs cannot go out for walks because of the dirt and fleas. They ride in cars and prams
8) The humidity of the house has to be at 45%
9) There are no ants at all in our house
10) You can only leave the door open for 1second or the humidity from the toilet will rush out to fill the entire house and drown us
11) When eating, you must put your head over the bowl and sit at 90degrees angle and focus. You must turn on white lights. If it's orange light, it's as good as dropping your entire bowl on the floor
12) We have an entire cupboard full of lint removers because dogs shed furs and that is not acceptable
13) I must be in bed before 10.30pm no matter how much work I have.
14) No friends are ever invited over because more people means more dirt.
15) Mopping and vacuuming the floor is mandatory after a person leaves.

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