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Not everyone has thought about it, but for those who have, I am so sorry. Have you ever wondered what it's like to die a macabre death, one so lurid that your body will never be forsaken by anyone? What if life is just a preparation for death? Sitting on a high-rise apartment with feet dangling in the air and mind empty, I have come to realize that my life has no value. I am a depreciation, one that is a walking travesty. If I were to just inch myself closer to the edge of the ledge, I'll be able to bungee-jump without using a rope. I mean how cool is that? To be able to set your own expiration date and to execute your own death like you're on parole with you as an officer. One minute you're still alive and the next, your pulverized head is spewing copious amounts of blood on the road, tainting the road so red and sticky.

When your tormentors enter the classroom the next day, they will find out about the heinous act of incrimination they have done. Maybe they'll cease and desist from bullying others, but one can never find out once she's dead. Have you ever had a quandary as to whether to end your life or not? Because I am plagued with the same uncertainty everyday. The clock ticks away and the time flies by me. I lie in bed pondering over my imminent death every day, wasting my youth away. My desperately enervated room pleads for my expiration while my parents demand for me to stay. But what is the point of being on earth when you're the ignoramus one in the family, the black sheep that cries herself to sleep every night the black sheep that cuts to alleviate the pain that scars her heart. There is no difference between dying me living, for my death has merged with my life and formed an insentient girl. I am no longer who I was. So why not just end it all, once and for all.


Sorry I am on sleeping pills and am about to go into my dreamless sleep. So sorry for the awful chapter. But it's all about expressing my thoughts so I guess it doesn't matter. Anyway no one will read this haha

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