The sad truth about humans

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We humans should pause and think for a while. Why are we the only species in the world with suicide rates. Are we doing something wrong? what is the difference between our species and the rest? Is it the food we eat? No, we eat animals and vegetables(of course some are genetically modified) but other than that, it's the same. Is it the way we live? I think so. We value money, status and the opinions of others. We avaricious humans have been sold to money. We cheat, we lie, we steal for the sake of quenching our insatiable appetite for money. Those that are on the lower rungs in society gets ensnared in the web of depression. The highly successful people in society gets ensnared in the web of competition, which leads to depression. In the end, the whole society is depressed, not because of some gargantuan issue, but because of papers(money). Why are we doing this? we all hate money but nobody is willing to burn it. Why? Because they are scared that nobody else follows in their footsteps and they fall off the ladder of society overnight. We humans are marred by our fallacious nature. Nothing can be done to save us. We are an incorrigible species.

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