Chapter 35: "What... What happened?!....."

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(A/N: I put some religious stuff in this chapter as a MAJOR plot point so if you aren't religious sorry that's just the turn my story took if you have a problem with it sorry I respect all religions so I just hope I get the same respect in return any how I hope you all enjoy this chapter I worked very hard on it ily all~Kat)

Michael's POV:
I went home which wasn't easy for me I don't like leaving izzie in the hospital but knowing that she's with Riley and ash makes me feel a bit better. After I went home got a shower a quick bite to eat, shaved and dyed my hair izzie's favorite shade of purple I hopped in the car and was on my way to the hospital when I saw a sign advertising a church and I pulled into the parking lot. I got out of my car shoved my hands in the  front pockets of my skinny jeans and walked toward the front door. It has been ages since I've been into any kind of church and I felt bad coming back to Church just because I needed something. I was a former Catholic I was born and raised till the age of about 16 I never received the Sacrament of Confirmation so I didn't initiate myself as an adult here I have been thinking since I adopted izzie I should start coming to church again but I haven't. Now here I am and my daughter is lying in a hospital bed I think God is trying to tell me something I stepped in the door and saw a woman with long black hair and fair skin I stopped her and said:
"Um hello my name is Michael I am Catholic but I haven't been to church since I was 16, I'm here because my daughter she's.... She's in the hospital and I decided to come here and go to confession and make things right between me and God. Anyway Are any priests in today?"
The young lady looked at me and smiled she said:
"Hi Michael my name is Maggie it's nice to meet you and as a matter of fact there is a priest doing confession right down that hall his name is father John and I'm sure he'll be happy to see you!"
I shook her hand and thanked her then I walked down the hall and waited my turn for confession.
*about a half an hour later*
I walked into confession told Father John all of my sins then after Confession I spoke with him about what all is going on in my life and we had a nice long chat but he told me he'd offer a mass for izzie and he would pray for her he asked me to come back and visit when she gets better I thanked him told him I would and left back to the hospital for another who knows how long.

Riley's POV:
After crying for a while I was still holding izzie's hand when something..... Happened she squeezed it... My hand she.. No way!
I mumbled letting shock set in and realization settle in about what this means he replied:
A concern tone was laced in his voice and then I replied:
"She... She squeezed my hand!"
He got excited and said:
"What no way that's awesome!!"
I just looked at him and smiled in confirmation of what he said. That's when Mikey walked in.

Michael's POV:
I walked in the room and said in a monotone voice:
"Hey guys any changes probably not... Right?"
They looked back at me pure shock on their faces and I said:
"What... What happened?! Is she ok??"
They smiled at me and at this point I realized my prayers had been answered and this was a good thing so I said:
Riley finally responded she said:
"She squeezed my hand Michael!"
I looked at them copying their shocked expression from earlier then began smiling and asking a million different questions like:
".....What does this mean? Is she waking up? Should I go get a doctor?..."
That's when ash told me to calm down and go get a doctor. I ran out to of the room and saw the nice, beautiful receptionist walk past and I said:
"Hey Lindsey..."
She replied:
"Oh hey Michael how's izzie do.."
I cut her off I needed a doctor I needed to know if this was really progress or not so I said:
"Sorry to cut you off but I was wondering if you could get a doctor for me izzie just squeezed Riley's hand and I want to know if this means what I think it means!"
She said:
"Oh my gosh Michael that is awesome I will go get a doctor and be back asap!!"
I thanked her and she was gone I walked back in the room and just smiled to myself, silently thanking God.
*a few minutes later*
A doctor had finally come in the room and Lindsey was not too far behind. I saw the doctor and immediately told him what happened and asked him if that means she's getting better. He replied:
"It's hard to tell but I'm almost certain that that means your daughter is slowly regaining consciousness and is showing signs that her body is fighting the coma instead of succumbing to it."
I looked at him and said:
"So good sign then?"
He laughed and said:
"Yes, that's a good sign Mr. Clifford."
He left the room and I ran over to Isabella and hugged her carefully and gave her a kiss on the forehead whispering :
"Everything is going to be alright my little fighter! God is on our side and you are going to beat this coma. I believe in you!"
And that's when I noticed she tightened her grip on her plush cat and her lips were pursed up into a small smile I know she's gonna beat this! things are beginning to look a little bit brighter for the Clifford family and for 5 seconds of summer in general.......

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