Chapter 31: "Reunited and it feels so good!"

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Ashton's POV:
We set our instruments in the booth and then ran out as soon as we saw the 1D boys Michael ran like a two year old and gave Niall a huge bear hug then screamed:
"Reunited and it feels so good!"
And this is precisely the reason we wonder if Michael is gay at this thought I chuckled to myself and bro hugged all the guys then we sat down and talked about our lives but Riley had to go pee so she took izzie cause she wanted a snack so they ran to the bathroom then snack machine. That's when the conversations started; Zayn said:
"So Ashton.... Triplets huh?"
And there was the statement I knew was gonna be made as soon as Riley left the room I replied.
"Yeah triplets isn't it exciting?!?"
Zayn replied:
"Yeah but aren't you worried at all? Like I know that if Perrie told me she was pregnant and with triplets I would be excited but nervous as hell!"
"I mean yeah I'm nervous but the excitement outweighs that, anyways what's new with you all?"
Zayn replied almost immediately:
"Perrie and I got married!"
My jaw dropped I was totally shocked I thought they were having a ceremony I replied with exactly what I was thinking:
"I thought you guys were having a big ceremony?!"
He said:
"We were...... but then Perrie and I couldn't wait any longer and we didn't want the paps showing up so we decided to just keep it a secret and elope"
That's when all the 5sos boys said awesome congrats at the same time.
That's when Harry said:
"Michael your little girl is so cute!"
He smiled and then said:
"Thanks Harry at first I wasn't so sure about the whole adopting thing but then I decided I had to and she's really changed my life ya know?"
Harry smiled and said:
"That's great mate! So what's the story about izzie anyway?"
So then Michael told the whole story of what happened and all the 1D boys were in shock and super sad for izzie but happy that Michael adopted her and right when everyone finished taking about her Riley came running in the room holding izzie and screaming:
"someone call 911!"

(So I know short chapter and huge twist/cliffhanger and I apologize for not updating in a while I love you all have a great day)

Married to AshtonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя