Chapter 5: The adoption

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We got on the tour bus and Isabella had fallen asleep on one of the bunks and that's when all of us got together and quietly discussed the adoption. I said.
"First of all who is going to adopt her?"
all the boys except Michael stepped back, I smiled at him and said.
"I knew you two were bonding, so you really want to adopt her Michael?"
He smiled and said.
"Nothing in this world would make me happier."

Michael's POV:
I went to the bunk where Isabella was sleeping cuddling the kitty cat plush I bought her at one of the stores we went to earlier I watched her sleep till she woke up crying.
"Are you ok sweet heart?"
I said rubbing her back.
"Yeah just a bad dream can you get mrs. Riley please?" She said.
I felt bad she didn't want to talk to me but Riley is better with kids then me so I get it. I walked into the living room and said.
"Riley, Isabella wants to see you."

Riley's POV:
I smiled at Michael trying to reassure him that she was still fond of him but obviously just needed something from me. I walked down the hall to see Isabella sobbing into her pillow.
"Honey, what's wrong"
I asked concerned.
"I had a terrible dream about my parents they were hurting me mrs. Riley, I thought the nightmares would stop because I had you to protect me from them, so I had mr. Michael go get you."
I smiled at her wiping her tears away and said of course I'll stay with you but first I think Michael has some exciting news for you. Michael walked in and I walked out to the living room he said some stuff to her and they hugged. they make a cute family and they look like they could actually be father and daughter. That's when the idea popped into my head and I realized how to tell Ashton about my pregnancy. I will let him fall in love with Isabella (a/n: like fatherly daughter not like I know some of you are thinking negatively so I'm clearing this up lol sorry continue reading) then he will be happy to know we are having a child. just as I completed my thought Michael ushered me down the hall to Isabella's bunk, she cuddled into me and didn't wake up till the morning no more terrible nightmares.

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