Chapter 38~End *Tweek*

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A/n alright so I hope this was long enough uh, I really didn't know exactly how to do this but I did try to make it as cute as I could. <3

Y/n's POV

I heard the person at the door squeak and I knew that voice from any where. "Tweek!" I yelled looking at the door, Tweek was shaking and he ducked from the bullet luckily that was fired right next to his head. I sighed in relief as he stood completely straight back up. My gun fired and it shot Tony right in the leg. I looked between Tweek and Dovahkiin and ran towards Tweek first.

"Are you okay?" I panicked and asked, I looked over to Tony to see him on the ground holding his leg tightly. I turned back towards Tweek and started looking over him. Tweek's shaking ceased for only a moment but it began again. "Good you weren't shot." I smiled in relief from the thought. "Y-Y/n!" Tweek panicked, I turned around and Tony was standing up staring at me. I shivered from his glare and I pointed my gun back but Tony ignored me and pointed his gun at Dovahkiin. "One shot Bitched." I hissed under my breath at him and he just smirked. Tweek put his arm on my shoulder in a caring manner.

"I-It's okay Y/n." It was the first time he didn't stutter my name, I felt like smiling but I couldn't not in the situation. "Or maybe I should just shook your boyfriend here." Tony ignored me screaming as he turned his gun on Tweek. It felt like everything went in slow motion as I turned towards Tweek as the bullet went right through his side. Tweek cried out in pain and I flinched at it, I quickly ducked to the ground with Tweek and held tightly onto him. "Omg Tweek!" I cried out. I knew he was still watching me and he still had his gun pointed at me this time but I couldn't. "Please respond!" I cried out, Tweek's breathing was heavy and he tried lifting up his hand but it just fell back to the ground.

"Tweek! No, no, no!" I screamed out, as Tweek fell limp is my arm I felt anger come over me, a sudden rush. I felt a bullet hit my arm hard, I sucked up the pain and turned on Tony who was standing there laughing. I pointed my gun at him and hit the trigger, I saw Tony's eyes widen before the bullet came in contact with his heart. I heard him choke something out but I ignored it and turned back towards Tweek.

"Listen, it's gonna be alright." I cried, I put my hand to his pulse and it was faint. I smiled a sad smile and ran upstairs quickly ignoring everything. "Call 911 please!" I screamed out for any of the guys to hear me. I watched Clyde come running down and I just pointed towards the basement door. "Please!" I cried out, Kenny nodded and came over to me. He grabbed his phone out and I grabbed it quickly dialing the number.

"Please I need an ambulance!" I yelled through the phone after they asked what the problem was.

"Ma'am please tell me your addresses."

I closed my eyes and thought about the addresses but I couldn't think of the place. "I-I can't remember!" I looked to Kenny for help but he just shook his head and shrugged.

"Okay Ma'am, can you tell us your surroundings."

I nodded even though she could not see, I ran all the way to the kitchen window and looked out. "We're-" and that was all I could remember. Till I woke up in the hospital next to a hospital bed.

I looked around the room but there was nothing indicating what happened. "Are you okay?" Kyle asked, he and most of the guys were leaning on the walls around the room. I thought about it for a second but couldn't. "I-I don't know, what happened?" I asked in a daze, I looked to who was on the bed and it was Tweek, I looked down to my hand feeling it becoming hot and I noticed Tweek's hand on mine. I looked to see him still asleep and I smiled as a tear came down my face.

"After the police were called they investigated everyone, but not you. You fainted so we had to explain everything but good thing Dovahkiin was alright, he told them everything sadly he told them to much and was brought to jail. Before going he told me to tell you he's sorry for everything and he'll be waiting for when you're ready." Kyle finished his words with a sigh, I shivered at the thought of Dovahkiin dying. "I-Is Tweek okay?" I asked again and Kyle smiled sadly. "Ask him yourself." Kyle walked out the room after that with all the guys.

I looked back to Tweek and saw him sitting up slowly. "Tweek!" I gripped his hand tighter and he looked there, Tweek's face became red and I smiled. "Your okay." I wanted to just hug him and squeeze him but I sat back and didn't since he still could be hurt.

"A-Are you okay?" Tweek stuttered slightly,I nodded quickly and smiled. "Are you?" I quickly asked and he nodded gripping his side, Tweek wasn't shaking as much almost nothing at all. I smiled and leaned forward. "Thank you for me okay." Tweek smiled to me, I let his hand go and smiled back. "Tweek, I-" I started to say but cut myself out as he looked at me strangely. I closed my eyes and when I reopened them I leaned forward and gave him a kiss on the cheek, I didn't love Kenny, or anyone else. I love this coffee loving guy.

"Y-Y/n!" Tweek tensed as I pulled back. I smiled at him and nodded. "Tweek, I-I love you." I rushed the words so I didn't need to regret them but I did already. "Y/n I believe I love you too." I smiled brightly and stood up so quickly. "Listen, I won't ever put you in that situation again! I'm so sorry!" I pushed myself so I was hugging him, Tweek hesitantly hugged back and I couldn't wipe a smile off my face. "Tweek, please don't ever leave me or do that again." Tweek nodded without another word. The other guys walked in as I hugged Tweek, I looked over to them and all of them had sad faces. I tilted my head and they just sighed and left the room again. I stood there looking back out at them, Tweek shifted and my attention went to him.

"What about Dovahkiin?" I shook my head and laughed. "That's never gonna happen, he's never gonna die." I sat down on Tweek's bed and I felt it move. I looked on the table and noticed coffee. I grabbed it and pushed it into Tweek's hands. "Drink." I smiled even more as Tweek started drinking his coffee with a smile, I grabbed his drink and drank some from it. My face became red but I didn't care, I handed it back to him to notice his face was as red as mine. "I wanted some." I said defensively and laughed as I said it.

"You coffee loving idiot." I smirked as Tweek leaned on my shoulder. "Gained some confidence have you." I rested my head on his and we stayed like that for a long time.

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