Chapter 23~Dovahkiin

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Y/n's POV

"Omg," I held onto my breath as I stared at the shadow and who they were holding. Dovahkiin was struggling to get out of the ropes around his hands and his mouth was blocked off with tape. The shadow had his hood up, you could not see his eyes but his mouth was open and there was a huge smirk on it. "What's wrong Y/n?" Kyle asked beside me. I forgot he was there for that instant.

"Uhm y-y-yes, I'm fine." I was still watching both of them when Dovahkiin shook his head in a vicious manor. I looked straight into his eyes and they were pleading as if saying to stay away. I shook my head to try to clear it hoping that it was just a dream but reopening my eyes they were still there. "Is it those people over there?" Kyle asked looking worried at how they were looking at me. I nodded and he seemed to get a little mad but was back to his normal self within a second.

"Let's go?" Kyle asked in a questioning way, I nodded and walked with him. "I-It's him," I breathed out to Kyle and he looked confused. "what, who's him?" I started to shake remembering what happened. "The guy who, he uh. Kidnapped me." Kyle stopped right in his tracks and looked at me wide eyed. "Kidnapped?!?" Kyle almost yelled very loudly. "Y-Y-Yes Kyle." I shakily responded, I closed my eyes to try to think about what to do. I need to rescue him.

"I'm gonna kill him." He muttered under his breath. I looked at him confused but he just gave a fake smile. "Kyle, stay away from him. He's worst then you could ask for." I took in a ragged breath and grabbed Kyle's hand, "Come on." so I started dragging Kyle away from that spot with the shadow and my new best friend.

"Kyle, I'm gonna go home. If you need me text me." I was starting to walk away but Kyle grabbed my hand. "Not with him out there. Y-You can come to my house." Kyle ended his sentence in a low voice which was strange but I nodded and went with him.

"Bubba who's your friend?" Kyle's mother asked. I giggled at the name and Kyle hit me on the arm. "Mom this is Y/n. We'll be upstairs." Kyle grabbed my hand before his mother could say another thing and when we got into his room I burst into laughter. "W-W-What?!?!" Kyle sat down at his desk while I was still laughing. "Nothing," I got out from my bit of laughter. "Yeah sure." Kyle grabbed my hand after getting up and throwing me on the bed. "Laughing is not nice." He stated but I still didn't light up on my laughing. "Jeez you don't listen." Once Kyle said that he started to tickle me, which made me laugh even more. "S-S-Stop Kyle!" I yelled as I swung my hands around.

We both we laughing like crazy now by the end of everything so we both just laid there on the bed looking at his ceiling. "See I'm no longer laughing." I lightly punched him and made an Ouch noise. "Well that hurts Y/n." Kyle smiled softly and looked over to me, "Thanks for letting me stay." I looked over at Kyle to see him staring at me, he gave a nod then looked away and got up off the bed. "Yeah of course." Was all that Kyle said before heading to his computer. "Do you know who's watching you?" Kyle asked as he got his computer up. I shook my head and walked over to his computer.

"I really don't know, only Dovahkiin did I think." I looked down thinking about Dovahkiin. "I need to go back for him." I told Kyle as he started going through websites of someone name Dovahkiin. "Don't look him up!" I hit him in the arm and shook my head in dismay. "Why not don't you wanna know who he is?" I shook my head and closed his laptop. "No I just want him back Kyle." I walked over to the bed my head now full once again with unanswered questions.

"I'll be right back." Kyle got up from his seat and went out the door as he pulled his phone out, what fun.

When Kyle walked back into my room he had so many more people then just him. "Kyle is there a party I don't know about?" I joked looking at all the faces. If you wanted to know who was there is was. Token giving a warming smile to me, Clyde who gave a smile towards my direction, Tweek shaking as he always did, Craig looking as if he didn't want to be here, seeing him made my heart hurt so I looked to the next person, Kenny he gave a wink which made me blush, Stan who looked happy to see me, Butters who was smiling, and Cartman?!? My eyes widened but I gave him a bright smile which he looked away at.

"Kyle what's going on?" I asked still looking at all the boys. "We are gonna get Dovahkiin back Y/n." Kyle gave me a bright smile and started to point jobs out to everyone. "Okay Stan and Cartman your with me at the computers we need 3 people for it and you 2 are the only ones who know a little about it." I looked at Stan to see his face drop and Cartman who still looked the same but Kyle still continued. "Token Clyde and Tweek I need you 3 to get the supplies for getting to this guys place. And Kenny I need you to make sure no one else heres about what we are doing so you are the lookout for Stan, Cartman and I." My eyes were wide out how well done Kyle is at making plans I've never seen anything like it. "Y/n and Craig you two go in retrieve Dovahkiin and get out, understand? I don't wanna send you in Y/n but you would go anyways wouldn't you." I nodded in agreement but not in agreement about who I'm going with. Craig the guy who said all those things about me in the chat with Clyde, the Craig I though who liked me.... Of course just as a friend.

"Do I have to be with her?" Craig asked harshly, Kyle nodded and looked to his computers."We do this tomorrow okay?" Kyle said as everyone started to leave. I was left the place without Kyle knowing and started walking to my house. He was a very good planner but I don't want the next day to come since I'll be with the guy who hates me.

"Y/n!" I turned around and Craig was in front of me a frown on his lips but when does he never have a frown? "What." I asked in my normal voice but beyond it was sadness. "Why did you run off? Kyle's looking for you." Craig looked at me with his piercing blue eyes and it made me shutter. "Because I wanna be alone." I simply stated and looked away from his eyes. "You can't run off like that." Craig grabbed onto my hand but I pulled away. "Just leave me alone." My heart by now was hurting badly and I just felt broken.

"What, why?" I shook my head and turned away from him. "None of your business." I felt as if tears were starting in my eyes so I kept my face turned from him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" He asked harshly and I couldn't take it. "You asshole! You could care less for me so why are you here?!?!?" My eyes widened and so did Craig. Omg why would I say something like that.

So I ran, all the way to my house and once I got in it was locked tightly.

A/n okay so Cartman isn't gonna be a love interest you'll get why and I'm not sure about token. . . .I'll try to decide xD but here <3 I was in the mood to write so yup lol

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