Chapter 5~why's she so different?

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A/N hey guys for whoever was reading Can this be true love? The sequel will be posted soon <3
and changing the I's and stuff to you idk I just wanna lol

(y/n)'s POV
you woke up and looked over to the time it was 10 am "wow I slept in" you mumbled very normally you would wake up at 8:30 am, you looked around the room seeing who was their and it was Stan and Kenny they were both still sleeping "wow they sleep in long" you looked around the room and noticed a pencil and paper "might as well write them a note that your leaving" you thought to yourself getting up to get the paper.

You quietly got up and walked to the paper and pencil you carefully wrote down on the paper saying
Dear, Stan and Kenny
Hey guys I had to go home, thanks for letting me sleepover
Stan, also Kenny stop being such a pervert. Hope to see you later.
Also you probably don't really know my name it's (y/n) )(l/n)
From, (y/n).

you looked at your work and smiled, it was very nice of Stan to just let you sleep here even though he didn't know much about you, he's just generally nice I guess. You went into the bathroom with your clothes you started to change and when changing you looked in the mirror and there was a cut on your stomach "what the hell?" you said lowly you brought your hand to the cut and went across it "when did I get this?" you looked at your hand and your cut it was on your stomach "can't do anything about that.... "I'll have to check this out later" you said quietly, but ignoring it you continued to get changed into this
when you stepped out of the bathroom no one was awake so you made your way quietly and slowly downstairs, you got to the door and swung it open but just when you were about to walk about Kyle was there "Hey Kyle" you said smiling at him lightly "O-Oh hey (y/n), what are you doing here?" Kyle asked with an bright smile you laughed a little bit but still responded "just slept over here with Stan" Kyle had a hurt look on his face what's his problem? "Kenny was here too" you said walking past him "wait Kenny?" you decided not to reply and to keep walking you might never see them again.....

Kyle's POV

I kept thinking about why Kenny was here and why (y/n) would be sleeping over and why wasn't I invited! I walked inside Stan's house angry going straight up the stairs when I opened his door I see Kenny and Stan still sleeping "wow nice on idiots" I said under my breath, I walked to the bathroom and grabbed a cup of water I walked back to Stan's room and poured the cold water on Stan, he jumped up with a shocked face and a pissed off face I then went over to Kenny and did the same and he followed the same pattern as Stan, "What the hell Kyle!" they both yelled in sync, I stood there looking at them pissed off crossing my arms "what the hell were you here with (y/n) for?" I said looking at both of them equal glare they couldn't say a thing they just stared at me dumbfounded "because I suggested she sleep over" Stan said looking at me like I was an idiot, "that doesn't mean you can't let me come over" I yelled grabbing a pillow and throwing it at him.

(y/n)'s POV

you stared down looking at the concrete finding it more interesting then the world ahead of you but why? You continued to walk the thought of the scar kept coming to your mind "why was it there?" you thought to yourself bringing your hand to the spot where the cut was. You walked a little more and without you knowing you bumped into someone "Omg I'm so sorry I wasn't watching where I was going" you said with concern you jumped back up and held your hand out to help the person you knocked down but the person ignored your help and just flipped you off rude.... they got up themselves, you look up to see a guy with a blue chullo hat having earplugs in, he was actually quite cute.....

Craig's POV

I got knocked over by someone which pissed me off, the person held out their hand but I just ignored it I got up myself I flipped the person off when I was getting up still keeping my headphones in, "I don't care who this person is" I said to myself finally looking up to see who it was, I look up to see a girl she was short with (h/l) (h/c) hair and beautiful (e/c) eyes she was a very beautiful girl "are you alright?" I asked not even knowing that came out of my mouth "oh I should be asking you that" the girl said with a light smile, I stared at her for a bit "I'm fine, now are you?" something in me is making me want to ask this stuff "what's wrong with me I never done this with any other girls...." I thought to myself, I was looking at the ground avoiding those beautiful (e/c) eyes they keep getting me distracted, "Oh I'm perfectly fine" she said with a bright smile "I'm (y/n) by the way" her name was so beautiful I loved it "mines Craig" I said in my normal monotone voice sometimes I hate that..... "wanna hang out with me and my friends? I was just heading to where we were going to meet up....." I was really hoping she'd say yes why does she have this effect on me? "hm alright" she said with a little hesitation but still agreed, we started walking to tweak's coffee shop (sorry not really sure if his last name is tweak or tweek AGH SO CONFUSING) there was silence which was getting uncomfortable but she seemed not to care..... why is she so different?

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