Chapter 19~Don't tell

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Y/n's POV

After class ended I got up and made my way towards my locker. "Hey Dovahkii." I smiled at him as I made my way to stand beside him. He looked at me then brought his note book out and showed me a note.

We still talking about it today after school?

I nodded at him and he nodded back. "so, will you tell me exactly how I. . . ." I broke off before I could say died, it felt like venom coming out of my throat and so I couldn't do it. Dovahkiin shook his head with a frown plastered on his face, I gave a sigh as we made it to my locker. "I just hope it wasn't gruesome." I put in my locker combination and it popped open with a note falling out.

I looked at Dovahkiin quickly and he stared at the note. What could it be about?

I opened the note slowly and looked inside, the hand writing was messy but you could still read the words and what it read stopped my heart . . . .

"You should know, I'm already coming."

I held onto the note tight. My heart was racing and I was shaking, "Y/n?" Stan's voice asked from behind me, I jumped at his voice and it sent shivers up my spine. "Hey Stan." I faked a smile towards him, "You okay?" Stan leaned against the locker next to mine and I shook my head. "Of course I am." I turned away from Stan and shut my locker turning around to find that Dovahkiin isn't anywhere near me, he ditched me.

"I don't think so." Stan edged on and stared at the note I was still clutching. I relaxed my grip on the note and looked up at Stan since he was taller. "Why?" I tilted my head slightly as I stared at him, I was confused why does he care. . . "Why what?" Stan responded and tilted his head just like me. "Why do you think somethings wrong?" I looked away from Stan as he was answering this.

"Because I care about you." I tensed slightly, no no no. "No you don't, you think you do but you don't." I picked up all my stuff and started to walk away from Stan. "No I know I do." Stan started after me. "No you just think you do." I responded as I tried to make distance between us, stupid short legs!!!!

"Nope I know for sure, that's why your getting away from me." Stan said matter of factually. I stopped and turned around in one swift moment and stared at him. "You don't know me and you don't know what you'll be getting yourself into so stay away." I warned as I turned around from a shocked Stan.

"Hey Dovahkiin." I said as I walked out the front doors of the school. He was sitting on the steps and writing in his notebook. He looked up and gave short nod, he stood up and we started to head towards Stark's Pond to talk.

"Why did you leave me?" I asked as we continued to walk, Dovahkiin shrugged and started to write in his notebook again. "thanks for the response." I mumbled quietly.

Dovahkiin held out his notebook and a lot of words were written on it.

"so you wanted to know the way you died completely, well here you go I'll tell you the truth.

So their were 3 guys who all contributed in your death. . . .Some more then others wanted. You were with your sister at that time, you probably don't remember her. . . . .Well anyways so you with her and you didn't know anything that she was involved it. She never told you and she tried to keep you out of it.

But it didn't work sadly, so you had to pay for her mistake.

She never even knew you were with her in that house so she ran away from there and without her knowing you were tortured and that torturing turned into a death. After the death the group of 3 dispersed so they wouldn't get caught and so far it has worked. Your sisters alive but she knows your dead. I'm sorry Y/n."

I felt as if my breath stopped and I was dying all over again. "How do you know?" I felt sick, as if I could throw up. He flipped another page,

"It was on the news."

He shrugged slightly and turned away from me. "I'm sorry." Dovahkiin wonderful and sweet voice said very quietly, I walked up to him and put my hand on his shoulder. "Don't be." I squeezed it and took a deep breath. "I'll be heading out, you head home okay." I smiled a weak one and walked away from Dovahkiin and Stark's pond.

I made my way down the sidewalk with my head down. I was spacing out thinking about what all has happened in my life, now thinking about it. . . .I don't remember much. The back of my eyes started to sting and I pushed it back. I close my eyes tightly as I walked straight toward a place unknown.

"Hey," I slammed into someone in front of me and once I opened my eyes I had to look up to see the mysterious person in front of me. "that's very rude." Stan leaned down and smirked softly at me. I laughed slightly thinking it was something else. "Rude yeah sure." I stared up into Stan's blue eyes and he stared back. "everything okay, why are you out this late?" Stan asked as he still stood in front of me. I looked up to him with sad eyes as I felt all the tears I was holding come out. "I can't do it anymore!" I yelled out to Stan. I felt broken as if the whole truth about why I was alive was a lie, which it was.

"do what?" Stan asked as he held onto my shoulders. "I can't, people are gonna get hurt because of me." I cried out as Stan still held onto me. "What do you mean?" Stan pushed on as I leaned into him. I debated on telling him about the whole entire truth and something kept telling me I should. "Can we talk alone?" I asked looking up to him with tears in my eyes. He shook his head and grabbed my hand leading me to somewhere we could talk alone with no one around being able to hear.

"My house is kinda taken over by Kyle sleeping over though so we'd have to quiet." Stan told me as I guessed we were heading for his house. "Okay." I relaxed for some odd reason hearing Kyle's name it made me feel safe.

Once we got to Stan's house snow started to come down hard. "Great." I mumbled under my breath as I walked inside Stan's house. Stan brought me over to the couch and we took a seat and I felt as if I could get everything out. "Stan, promise not to think I'm crazy?" I asked as I took in a deep breath looking at him into the eyes. "Swear on my life." Stan said smiling, I smiled back before I started to talk. "So, I died awhile ago and I know I'm here right now but I'm not really. I'm suppose to be dead but something happened and I'm not. Three people killed me I know 1 of them and the only way I can actually pass on is if I kill them or they die. Everytime I die someone close to me dies also and I don't want that so that's why I told you to stay away I'm sorry." I thought about telling him more but not yet I wanna see what he thinks. . . . .

Stan took in a deep breath then said, "That's a lot to take in." He gave a small chuckle and I laughed with him. "I know that." I said quietly. The steps creaked and down came Kyle. I jumped up from my seat and stared at Kyle who came down. "Is that true?" Kyle asked and I felt as if my breath stopped, Kyle thinks I'm lying now doesn't he. "Kyle what are you-" I didn't hear the ending of what Stan said because I bolted straight outside into the cold winter and pouring snow. Ignoring all the calls coming from the house that belonged to Stan.

Especially the voice from Kyle. "He's just gonna say your crazy." I told myself as I raced down the sidewalk to an unknown place once again, But look how well that turned out.

South park x Reader Alive or dead?Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu