Chapter 32~Tony

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Y/n's POV

I looked back to the door while I still had the gun pointed to see Damien standing there a smile on his face. "This is so amazing." He spoke as if it was casual, I scoffed at him but he ignored me. I looked back to Greg to see him looking at Damien strangely, probably wondering how he got in here. "What," Damien spoke as if he was innocent. "I came to collect a life." Damien walked beside me and I rolled my eyes. My hand began to shake as it was pointed at Greg and he chuckled softly.

"You can't do it!" Greg laughed loudly and I growled at him loudly. "I can to!" I screamed back but he started to stand yet I couldn't do it. "Look at you, a pathetic girl!" He spat the last part and I lost my anger. "If I was pathetic how could I be standing in front of you right now!" I put both hands on the gun and it stopped my shacking a little. "Because, you weren't thinking but now you are aren't you." The guy laughed and I tried to move my fingers but they wouldn't budge. I breathed in air and it was almost suffocating me. "Shut up." I softly said but he started towards me. "Ha, your pathetic just like before." I tried to block my hearing out as I became more dizzy, "Shut up!" I spoke louder and his footsteps were loud coming towards me. "To, pathe-" I blinked to get my vision back and when I did his chest was bleeding. I stepped back and my eyes widened, I looked at the gun but I never shot. My eyes bolted back as he chocked out a word. His body fell to the ground making a huge thump.

I looked behind him to see Kenny. I stared in disbelief but Kenny shook his head, he has blood on his parka and I felt a little dizzy again. "Ken-" I stumbled over and that was when I felt strong arms around me. The voice whispered soothing things to me and I knew it was Kenny. "It's alright, your good." The voice stopped and I looked up through blurry eyes to see them not looking at me but behind. I turned in his arms and looked to see Damien smirking. "You know Y/n, you were actually suppose to die. Looks like you just didn't want to give up." Damien's eyes met Kenny's and that was when he laughed. "Good luck Y/n." Damien spoke again and I eyes him. He disappeared in a matter of seconds and I felt even more dizzy.

"Y/n, your arm." I laughed and tried to move but I couldn't, "It just hurts a little." I said and that was when my eyes widened. I looked at the ground to find Craig's hat still there, "The hat." I whispered and Kenny looked to where my eyes were. "Sh, it's okay." Kenny walked me softly to Craig's hat and once i grabbed it I put it on my head. It was warm and cozy. My eyes started to close and Kenny called my name as he spoke. "It's okay Y/n, the guys are coming." I nodded as I felt my head nod.

I squeezed his parka tightly trying to keep my eyes open but it didn't work and I slipped into darkness.

y/n's Dream

I looked at this dream and it was strange. It was me but not me, I was not in the dream I was watching it. There as another guy there and I was even confused and that was when my dream or whatever it was began to speak.

I watched my sister and her boyfriend Tony joke around, "Stop Tony!" She whined. I never understood what any of it was about, "Stop what." her boyfriend Tony smirked. I looked confused at them both but they seemed to be having fun, Rachel was suppose to watch me even though I was 15 and she was 17. "Tony, I need my phone." She tried jumped for the phone but he kept raising it even higher. We were in Tony's house since Rachel didn't want to stay home and I of course had to come since she was watching me.

Her phone started to ring and I watched as she stared at Tony hard. He smirked and looked at caller ID, his smile fell quickly, he stared darkly at my sister and I just stared confusingly, what scared me was what Rachel said. "Y/n, go right now. I'll be out shortly." I didn't understand but she said it coldly so I listened a little. I walked away like I was heading towards the door but instead when I walked out of view I hid in the kitchen and behind a coutner.

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