Chapter 29~Home

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Y/n's POV

I woke up groggily this morning. I shook my head to forget the thoughts of last night that started to float into my mind like water. I got up and looked to the mirror that felt strangely familiar. My face stared back at me with my puffy red eyes, I tried to speak but my throat hurt so much I closed it.

I walked slowly to dresser that was against the wall. This is real I though softly as I turned to the door being open. "Hon it's time for breakfast." I hesitantly nodded my head and followed her to the kitchen where there were eggs and bacon on a plate. My eyes widened at the meal and I looked up to see my mom nodding to it. I sat down and took a bite of it and my eyes sparkled. I haven't eaten this is forever. . .

"How do you like it?" She asked in a pleasantly calming voice. I smiled brightly and nodded. It was delicious I thought as I ate more. "Don't forget about school, here." My mom hands me my back pack and I look at her confusingly. "School?" I asked and she nodded, "Of course, you have to go to school." She chuckled softly and I nodded as I went to the door and stepped outside to the nice weather. "School, of course." I spoke quietly and started on my way to school that I was shocked I knew the way already.

"Welcome back Y/n!" a girl yelled as she came hurling at me. She jumped on me and I fell backwards hitting the ground hard. "Ow," I spoke and she shrunk back as she continued to say sorry. "Y/n." A guy came up beside me and gave me a huge hug, I didn't hug back since I was confused. "Who are you people?" I asked and he released me quickly and looked me into the eyes. He had beautiful hazel eyes with brown hair.

"We're your friends." He spoke as if he was hurt and I felt regret in my stomach. "I-I'm sorry I must of just forgot." I laughed softly to avoid the awkward silence between us all and he shook his head. "Don't worry about it, I mean you did go through something tragic." I nodded in understanding as the girl spoke. "If you don't remember, I'm Lizzie and that's Trent." She giggled so softly and I nodded smiling. "Oh yeah." I smiled as she spoke, maybe these were really my actual friends.

We walked into class and my stomach turned as I saw everyones face that wasn't anyone from south park. I almost forgot about them. I looked at the teacher and it wasn't Mr. Garrison and I frowned at that. "Y/n, welcome back!" The teacher said happily and I nodded mostly since I was scared my voice would break if I spoke.

I laughed as Lizzie made a joke but it soon turned into a frown when we had to go separate ways. "See ya y/n." They both spoke at the same time and I turned towards them waving. "See ya." I turned around smiling once again and made my way back to my home. It was all a dream, nothing of South Park was ever real. I told myself over and over again. But something in me wanted to say no it was all real, none of it was a dream. Maybe it wasn't and maybe it was, I won't know now.

I shook my head of the thought and looked straight ahead to my home that was straight in front of me. "Hey," A voice said, it sounded like it was by my ear so I turned around but no one was there. "Who?" I asked as I backed up, as far away from the spot I was at a second ago. "You of course, I have something to ask." I shook my head thinking it was just a dream. "It's not a dream, I can tell your thinking it." My breath stopped for a second and I couldn't control it. "It is, stop. Your not around it's a dream!" I yelled thinking it would help but of course it didn't. "Tch stupid, think whatever you wish." The voice spoke and I felt the world give under my feet.

"Help!" I screamed to loudly my ears popped and I heard the voice 'tsk' again. "Stop screaming, no one can hear you." I fell to the ground and hit it shockingly where a mattress was. "See, your here. Safely." I looked up only to see one guy that was my age. "Who are you, and where am I?" I asked, I stood up from the mattress and he chuckled softly. He had red eyes and wore all black, even his hair was black.

"To many questions," He spoke with such voice it took me off guard, "Well, answer them." I responded and he shook his head. "Answer mine first." I tilted my head to the side and he smiled. "Alright, How's that world?" I looked at him incredulously, that world? "That world?" I asked and he sighed. "Answer," was all he spoke and I jumped slightly. "I like it." I said feeling the pressure of his question get off my shoulder. "Do you miss South Park?" he smirked as he said that and my eyes widened a lot. "Yes of course I do." I was about to speak again but he held his hand up. "What world do you like better?" My eyes were by now huge when he asked that and I shook my head but he still spoke. "That world you were in a second ago, it was not a real one. It was a memory of what you wished was your world. Do you still wish it?" He spoke with such force that it was hard for me to respond. "I-I, No." I couldn't believe I was saying it but I was and he smiled even more.

"Why?" was all he asked and I looked around. "Because, it was where I belong I believe." I yawned suddenly, and my eyes felt tired. "Well, Y/n. Welcome back to South Park where everything is weird. And by the way, my name is Damien and you were just in hell." His smirk faded as my eyes closed shut and I couldn't breathe anymore. I felt suffocated and when my eyes opened I was in a stuffy room. I was once again in a hospital. I reached my hand to my head and felt a warm hat on it.

I slid it off and looked at it. The color was blue and it looked like Craig's hat. I sat up from the bed and my leg had a burst of pain fly through my whole leg. I held back a scream but smiled softly, I am back in South Park. Thank you so much. I laughed softly as a voice went through my head. "Don't trust everyone." It sounded just like that guy Damien's voice so I couldn't help but smile, he helped me.

"Y-Y/n!" Clyde came running in a jumping on my bed. I laughed and smiled. "Hey," He hugged me tightly and I felt I couldn't breathe. "Clyde your gonna kill her." Kenny said through his muffled hood. He sounded sleepy and his eyes showed bags but I couldn't quite get why. "Kenny, Hey." I smiled as I tried to forget but it kept coming back.

"Y/n." Kenny said, he smiled brightly from behind his hood and ran to me. "I'm sorry, Why did you do it?" He asked and I chuckled. "Because, Kenny. I just did I hate hurting people." Kenny looked at me like I was crazy. "I wouldn't have died!" Kenny cried and he hugged me even more so now I have two people hugging me and cutting off my oxygen. "Guys, my leg." they both released me and I laughed softly. "I missed you guys so much." I whispered and they looked confused. "Oh, nothing." I held onto the hat and Clyde looked at it. "Isn't that Craig's?" He asked and that made Kenny look at it. "It was just on my head funny right?" I laughed softly and Kenny looked hurt and I wanted to say something but didn't. "Wow, he did that." Clyde looked and sounded surprised and I laughed. "yeah." I softly whispered looking down at the hat.

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