Chapter 38~ End *Kenny's*

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A/n first ending of many xD first Kenny's

Y/n's POV

"No!" I pushed the trigger of the gun that was handed to me awhile ago. As I hit the trigger the gun shot, I got knocked back a little by the power, my eyes slammed shut as I hit the back of my head against the ground. I reopened my eyes and they went to Tony. He still stood there smirking but now his smirk was to me, He held his gun up and pointed it to me, "I'm not losing on this Y/n." Tony spoke with a cold tone, I looked every where for where I shot him but there was nothing, he was clean.

"Why aren't you shot?" I questioned even though I knew it was stupid to ask I needed to know, I don't see anything. Tony smiled and my eyes went to the door that was opened, Kenny stood there glaring at Tony and it looked like he was about to pounce on him and yet no gun shots were on him. I must have missed everyone. I looked right back to Tony and he moved his heads towards Dovahkiin, I froze and glanced there. Dovahkiin had his mouth open and he was shaking but only a little. " Dovahkiin!" I screamed, I started to get up when another shot was fired and that went by my head. my head snapped to Tony and a little smoke was coming from his gun.

"Don't more," Tony was glancing between Kenny and I, I looked at Kenny for any hope anything at all but he still kept a glare on Tony. I stood from the spot where I fell and I grabbed my gun back up, I pointed it back to Tony and he laughed. "What if you shoot someone again? This time not me but Kenny." Tony smirked and I shivered, "I know you like him so why not, maybe I'll do it for you." Tony moved his gun towards Kenny and smirked as my eyes widened. "Stop I'll shoot! I mean it!" I shook as I held the gun, Tony looked at me with a cheeky smile. "Sure you wou-" My eyes widened as Kenny came into contact with Tony, Tony hit the ground hard with Kenny on top of him. Kenny started hitting Tony hard in the face, stomach anywhere that he could. I still held my gun up but I couldn't shoot, especially with Kenny on top of Tony. I don't trust myself that much.

"Kenny!" I took steps toward them when Kenny was shoved off, Kenny's arm shot up towards me and I stopped right there. "Tend to Dovahkiin!" Kenny yelled out and I nodded following his words. I ran to Dovahkiin who was on the ground taking deep breaths. "D-Dovahkiin." I cried out, "I-I'm so sorry." I looked at the wound near his heart. "It was all my fault." I grabbed Dovahkiin's hand and closed my eyes I didn't want to see it anymore. "It's Okay, I deserved this." Dovahkiin talked, my eyes widened and I looked at him quickly. He's never really spoken so why now. "No you don't deserve this!" My eyes were open and I was trying to convince him. "But I did," Dovahkiin took in a deep breath before continuing. "Like Tony said, I killed you with them. I did it and I can't take it back so don't be sad about my death, please I'll miss you just take care of the people who were actually there for you." I shook my head but Dovahkiin just nodded. "You are such a sweet innocent girl, don't let them ruin that. Save the people you love. Promise me." Dovahkiin's eyes closed and my heart stopped, I shook him. "no no no no no, I promise just don't leave me!" I cried out, Dovahkiin stopped moving. My heart started beating again but very fast, I closed my eyes and let my tears fall when I reopened them they were on Tony.

"Asshole!" I screamed but they didn't stop, Tony was now under Kenny. "Don't you dare touch her!" Kenny's screamed out and Tony's laugh went throughout the room with an echo. "Kenny." I whispered in fear, I grabbed my gun and pointed it straight at them. "You really wanna shoot this idiot!" Tony yelled out shoving Kenny making him hit his head. "Take the shot!" Kenny screamed, I hesitated as I aimed at Tony. Kenny smiled at me and nodded indicating to go. "You can do it." Kenny mouthed, it sent my nerves going so I aimed at him. Kenny believes in me I got this. I pulled the trigger and it hit Tony right where it needed to.

Before Tony's eyes closed he was smiling, I smiled also looking at Kenny in joy. It's done. I ran over to Kenny and my smile dropped, "Kenny!" I yelled, blood was filling on his parka right where his heart was. "Why," I whispered , Kenny shook his head and put his hand on my face. "I'll come back, I promise." I shook my head, "No, Kenny this was me. If someone died who I cared about they won't come back." Kenny shook his head. "No, I'll come back." I moved a little away and put my hands on his face. "Kenny, I won't be here." Tears started coming from my eyes and I couldn't hold it.

"The gun shots!" Craig came running in with the other guys looking at me. "Once we all got into this room it got locked and we couldn't get out." Clyde hesitantly said as his eyes drifted to Kenny. I shook my head and closed them. "Kenny don't go." I cried out. "Omg he killed Kenny!" Stan yelled, my eyes snapped up to him and I couldn't believe it. "You Bastard!" Kyle yelled back, I shook my head and let my tears go down.

"Time to go Y/n." Damien appeared talking, I stared at Damien and he just smiled. "Times up dear." Damien came near me and all the guys took a defensive step towards us. "No no guys don't. Since their gonna I gotta go." I started getting choked up and the guys just stood there staring at us. "Thank you so much for everything. Kyle, Stan, Cartman, Clyde, Token, Tweek, Butter, Craig you guys all are amazing and you saved me. Don't be sad I'm going." Craig took another step towards me but I shook my head. "I guess I should go now." I looked to Damien and he nodded taking my hand. "Goodbye guys." All the guys took a step forward as I started to disappear, I waved goodbye and they all tried to call for me but I was gone now.

"Damien, so in the end I come here anyways." Damien laughed and dragged me towards a place in hell. "Yeah, in the end you come here. No Heaven sorry Angel." Damien shook his head and held his hand up quickly. "I need to go find someone now." Damien started walking off without me now, I chased after him since I didn't know what I was doing. "Kenny," Damien said Kenny's name in a disapproving way. My eyes widened and I got ahead of him quickly and I saw Kenny sitting down on a red couch. "Yeah," Kenny mumbled he had such sad eyes so I went over to him. "K-Kenny." I said it in a hushed tone. Kenny's head dashed up and he stood quickly. "Y/n!" Kenny stood up and stared at me into the eyes. I smiled to him and I couldn't help it so I ran to him. I squeezed him so tightly and he stood there hugging me tightly. "Kenny, I'm so sorry I-" Kenny pulled me closer so I stopped talking and just hugged him. "Y/n, I meant what I said earlier. I love you." A tear went done my eyes and I wouldn't let go of him. "I should've said it back when we talked in the bathroom. I'm so sorry!" I squeezed my eyes shut and I felt Kenny moving away from me.

"Y/n, Kenny's go to go now." Kenny nodded after what Damien said, I shook my head and gripped him even more. I released, I couldn't make him stay, I had a frown on my face and Damien ignored me and walked to me. "I will come back, I promise. Just continue to meet me here." Kenny whispered in my ear, he gave me a kiss on my mouth and I smiled at that. "I will I Promise." I hugged him tightly and that was when he disappeared. Damien walked next to me and grabbed my arm. "Come on someones waiting for you." Damien didn't look happy but I didn't care, he brought me to a house and that was when I saw Dovahkiin. " Dovahkiin!" I cheered and ran to him giving him a tight hug.

For almost everyday I went to that same spot Kenny was talking about but he was never there. I cried and no one could stop me. Damien was always there it is his house. Today I came again, I sat and watched. But so far nothing. I've found out I missed everyone but I especially miss Kenny, I love him. He's someone I wish I could spend my life with but I can't anymore. Maybe some day, maybe some year. "Y/n," Damien walked in, we have actually become a little closer and I could tell Damien looked worried. "He's not coming, he hasn't been back since that day." I was tired, I looked over to him with tired eyes. Damien shook his head and disappeared before I could say anything.

Kenny''s POV

I was shocked I haven't died for awhile, why was I wanting to die now? I always hated it. The guys were joking around and talking but my mind was somewhere else especially when Damien came, I looked over to him and went there and his word just shocked me. "Sorry." Damien shot me and of course Stan and Kyle said that. I stared at him in disbelief but he didn't do anything else.

I arrived to hell and it pissed me off. That asshole killed me. I arrived angrily "Kenny!" A voice I remembered, it was so similar so when I opened my eyes Y/n. Memories came back to me and I just wanted to hit myself. "Y/n!" I ran to her and hugged her. I can't believe I forgot her. I turned on Damien who was actually smiling and not a smirk. "Y/n, I am giving you one chance to live. But if you die, you won't be able to see any of them anymore." I smiled and turned to her, she was nodding so quickly that I couldn't stop smiling.

Y/n and I appeared by the South Park sign, I smiled brightly to her, "Kenny, I love you!" She pulled me in and gave me a kiss, I kissed her back so happily. I feel so complete.

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