How did you find me?

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Chapter 43

The last month and a half has flew by, between planning the wedding and looking after Electra, it has been hectic, but I wouldn't change a second of it, Electra has me and her daddy wrapped around her finger already. Trent has been more amazing than I every expected, he is a brilliant father to Electra and the perfect mate to me. The gods have even falling in love with her, but Aphrodite and Ares didn't tell the gods how powerful she is going to be, only the first god that hold her will get to see a glimpse of her future and power. They only trust a few with her secret and they are Athena and Artemis, she is going to be different than the oracles before her because she will see into the future, of others and received message from the gods, but she will have a mate and only then can we reveal her powers, know goes will risk the wrath of Artemis, when it comes to her creations, the werewolves, and their mates, once she finds hers she is safe, Ares and Aphrodite dont trusts the other gods not to seduce her when she is older so they can keep her and be the god to rule with the oracle beside them, but that also means if the gods will fight for her so will anything or anyone from the underworld, they will want her too, I know there are going to come for her someday and Trent and me will die to protect her without a seconds thought, but that day is not today, hopefully its years from now, I want to see her grow into a young woman, but today, there is only one thing on my mind, its my wedding day.

     I look at Electra asleep in her crib with a purple dress to match her aunty Leah's dress, she has on a white cardigan and hat to match, she looks so adorable.

"Okay come on mommy, Electra looks perfect, its time to get you ready now" Leah says while dragging me away from her crib to sit down. I'm still havent seen my wedding dress yet, Aphrodite told me it has been made by some of the supernatural community that makes the clothes for the goddesses, it should be amazing. I feel the shift of energy in the room and I sigh with relief when I see Ares holding a large dress bag and Aphrodite holding a few small boxes, definitely know who the boss is there.

" My dress is finally here" I said.

"Of course it honey, I have a few surprises aswell in these boxes" she said with a wink. "Okay Ares, hang the dress up and shoo, go find the other men" she said. He hung the dress up and practically ran from the room but not before he kissed my forehead.

Aphrodite sits down with the boxes in her hands, she opens the first one and she takes out a beautiful comb/clip that is shaped into a rose, it is made with pearls and diamonds, its is absolutely beautiful, but it looks so delicate.

"This is your something old and borrowed, your mother wore it on her wedding day too and Electra will wear it on hers" she said with a smile, as if she is playing the memory in her head of my mothers wedding day.

She opens the next box, which has pearl earrings,

"This is your something new" she said "and this is your something blue" she said as she took out a silk garter with blue silk running through the middle. "Now you have everything covered, your mother wanted all them things on her wedding day for luck" she said.

"Now lets get started on your hair and makeup" Leah said.

After nearly an hour and a half of pulling and tugging on my hair and doing my makeup, they have finished. I have know idea what I look like, as they won't let me see til I have my dress on. They have put a blindfold over my eyes before they help me into my dress. After another ten minutes of been pulled and tugged at, its on.

"Time to see yourself, Athena" they both squealed.

They took the blindfold off and after a few blinks to adjust to the light again I can now see myself. I look like a pure goddess, just like my mother. My hair has been combed back and brought over to my left shoulder where the rose clip is sitting just behind my ear, I have perfect loose curls hanging down over my shoulder and small curls clipped in around the rose clip and small pearl clips here and there in the curls, my makeup it done simple but elegant, I have a slight tinted pink eyeshadow that sparkles in the light, a thin line of eye liner and my eyelashes are thick framing my amber eyes, my pearl earring stand out beautifully beside my hair.

              My dress is amazing, the top of the dress has a shape of roses done with silk thread, made into a strap that goes from the top of my left breast where my dress starts to across to my right shoulder, as it gets to the back it splits into three sections of thin silk straps with. white stones going down each strap, that joins the back of my dress, it is fitted perfectly around my chest and to my stomach, where from my waist it gets wider, but not puffy, there are white stones added around the dress making it sparkle in the light , its perfect, better than anything I have seen or imagined, my shoes have white silk on the outside, with a rose made the same as the clip on the front, with a five inch heel.

"Thank you so much Aphrodite, its perfect and you aswell Leah my hair and makeup are beautiful, its more than I could ever imagined, thank you so much, both of you" I said with a big smile on my face as looked at myself in the dress.

"Okay, Leah lets give the bride a few minutes to herself, before Ares comes, we will see you in a little while Athena" Aphrodite said with a smile as her and Leah left the room.

I turned around and walked to Electra's crib, she looks so adorable, sucking her thumb while she sleep.

"You look beautiful Jessica, or is it Athena now" a deep voice said.

There is only one person that would call me that, but what is he doing here and how did he get in. I take one more look at Electra, as my need to protect her surged through me, I turned around to come face to face with a smirking James.

"What are you doing here?, how did you even find me? I asked him.

"It wasnt that hard, you accent gave away where you were from,  when I found you, your name and description did the rest, there isn't to many named Athena, that look like you and for what I'm doing here, isn't it obvious I came for you! ,  to see if you were happy or just living a lie with the people that didn't care enough to look for you once" he said, as he took a step closer.

"As you can see, Im very happy, I'm not living a lie James, I'm about to marry the man I love, the father of my daughter, trust me they looked for me" I said, my voice laced with anger at what he just said.

"But how do you know your really happy, you never gave me a chance, you could have been happy with me, your not going to marry him Athena, I won't let you, you're mine, I found you when know one was looking for you, I took you in, gave you a home, helped you get a job and you can't even do one thing for me!" he roared back, looking nothing like the man I knew but a complete psycho.

"I thanked you for everything you did for me, the night I left, I had no memory James and I still didn't want us, I'm getting married today regardless of you thinking I owe you something" I said.

"No you not Athena, your coming back with me to give us a chance at a happy life together, I could eventually learn to love your child Athena, but I'm not leaving without you" he shouted again. Big mistake on his half, every werewolf will have heard him, I can already sense Ares presence getting closer but the waves of anger coming off him are at a dangerous level.

"You need to leave James, while you still can, while you have the chance, I can't guarantee you won't get hurt if you dont leave now" I said.

"I already told you Athena, you not marrying him, he isn't good enough, I have seen enough of him over the past couple of months to know Im better than him, so your coming with me now!" he said, as he leaned forward to grab me, but he didn't get past his second step,before  Ares had him pinned to the wall by the neck before he knew what was happening.

"Ares dont kill him, that is James the man that helped me, we were just clearing up a few issues and he was just leaving, mabey you can show him the exit Ares" I said staring James in the eye, not so brave now when its a man against him and not a woman, I thought, he reaction that night should of showed me he wasnt right and now I know he is the man that has been following me, that just plain creepy.

"I will gladly show him the exit" he said as if added a whisper to himself "might even make a new one with the shape of his body".  "You come anywhere near Athena again and I will land you in your own personal living hell, you understand?" Ares said. James just nodded his head but never spoke.

"I will be back in a few minutes Athena, to give you away" he said with a mischief face and wink, that can't be good.

I let out the breath I was holding, brushed away the non existing wrinkles, and waited for Ares to come back.

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