Finally home!

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Chapter 34

Trent, I need to get back to him, back to my family, how the fuck did I let myself forget him. Realisation hit me all at once, it was his feelings I felt every night and day. It was his wolf calling out to me, begging me to come back every night. It must be a hundred times worse for him, with his wolfs emotions ontop of his own. I am going to rip that demon apart, even if I have to personally tear the underworld apart to find him, I don't care how long it takes me, I'm am going to enjoy watching that bastard burn.

"Ares, Aphrodite, I need you" I called out.

But nothing happened, I didn't feel the shift in energy I normally do. So I called out again, "Ares", "Aphrodite". Still nothing, can they not hear me or are they just not coming. After another ten minutes of practically screaming their name out like a banshee, I gave up. I can't just drive or run to them, that demon left me half the world away from them.I can feel my frustration build up inside me, as I clenched my fists, why are they not coming?, why haven't they found me, its been months. I needed a release, I built up a ball of fire as big as I could go without drawing attention, I threw it out towards the ocean with all the strength I have, I stood and watched it burn out and disappear into the nights sky.

                  Something is wrong, they would have found me by now. I know they wouldn't have given up. I start pacing back and forth, trying to figure out what to do. I could hear footsteps faintly in the distance coming towards me. I took a breath taking in their scent, perfect, just what I needed, a vampire. I stayed still pretending to be human, acting like I haven't even heard him approaching, his steps quicken til he is behind me, latching one arm around my waist and his hand wrapped around my neck, he tug his nails in causing a few drops of my blood spill. He inhaled, taking in the scent of my blood.

"You smell so sweet, I think I will have to have a taste" he said while licking his lips.

Oh my gods, I feel so embarrased for him coming out with such cheesy lines, he should really face palm himself after that. I pried his fingers from my neck and ripped his arm away, as I turned to face a shocked looking vampire. I gave him a smirk, and sent the palm of my hand into his chest, sending him flying through the air before he hit a walk, breaking it. I gave my body a stretch and rolled my shoulders back, its been awhile since I done this, I started walking towards him and saw him getting to his feet. He hissed when he saw me but I returned his hiss with a smile. I built up a ball of fire as I looked at him, I threw it up and down in my hand taunting him. His face was priceless, as angery and fear flashed through his eyes, but like all blood thirsty vampires, he made the mistake of trying to attack first, he didn't even get a chance to take his forth step, before he was alight in flames, I watched as his body turned to ash and gave one final kick, scattering his ashes, as I  watched them been swept away with the wind.

                                  I looked around to make sure know one was close. In the distance, I could hear James voice call out " Jessica". How could I forget about James, were suppose to be on a date. I need to thank him, and explain that my memories are back, he needs to understand that we can never be together.

"I'm over hear James" I shouted when I heard him get closer.

I walked towards him,

"I'm sorry about tonight James, can we go back to your house and talk" I asked him gently.

"Yeah, of course, we can grab a taxi" he said.

The drive back to James house was filled with silence, I could feel the tension roll off him in waves. I looked out the window, and held onto the stone of my again. How am I going to get home, I can't stay  here. I went through ever option, possible in my head, but they would take to long, I don't have a car, I have no passport, Im stuck. I looked at the stone, watching the different colours of energy flow through it.

                                                       I can't believe I'm so stupid, the answer was in the palm of my hand, literally. My chain, it has some of the gods powers, I let out a breath of relief, I'm going home soon, I thought. I saw James house come into view, as the taxi slowed down and stopped. James paid the taxi driver as we got out. I followed behind him, as he opened the door and walked into the kitchen, as he turned around to face me, he leaned back against the counter. My heart broke, I can now see, with him standing in front of me, he has genuinely grown love for me over the last few months. But its love I can never return, even with my memories gone, I never forgot my heart belonged to someone else. I need to tell him the truth.

"I just want to thank you for everything you have done for me James, you helped me when you didn't have to, you took me into your home, even do I was a stranger, you cared and looked after me, I can t thank you enough" I said.

"So you have got your memories back, what are you planning on doing? are you just going to leave?" he asked with anger lacing his voice.

"I have to James, I need to get back to him, back to my family" I said.

"What do you mean back to him? the man who has shown he couldn't care a less for you, he didn't even look for you, and for your family where are they Jessica, cause they sure as hell aren't here looking for you, none of them are" he roared, now, completely furious.

"I know him and my family are looking for me James, they would go to hell and back for me, trust me, I knew even when I lost my memories, that I loved somebody else, I can't be with you James, not now and not ever, its alway been him, Im sorry, Im not the one for you, you will find her eventually, but its not me, and my name is Athena not Jessica" I said, anger lacing my own voice.

He paced back and forth, trying to take everything in, when he couldnt hold it any longer, he punched a hole in the wall. I turned around and walked away before he did something or said something he will regret. I closed his door behind me and ran towards the forest, I needed some where that I was out of sight. I held the stone in my hand and pictured Trent, as I whispered "Take me to him". I could feel the stone heat up, it spread up my hands and into my veins. I kept my eyes closed and the picture of Trent clear in my head. The burning was getting hotter as it ripped through my body, just as I was about to let a scream out, it stopped all of a sudden. I opened my eyes to find myself in my house, lying on my bed, I looked around and saw a sleeping Trent beside me. My heart broke at the sight of him, gods I have missed him. I turned on my side to face him, taking in every inch of his face. I reached out and gently ran my fingers down his face, my body melted as I felt spark run through me, I had forgotten how good they felt. I could feel his wolf calling out to me, like every night for the last few months, I placed my hand over his heart, and felt his wolf calm down, and purr at my touch.

                                                I looked up from where I placed my hand and found Trent s beautiful green eyes stare back at me.I leaned forward touching my forehead to his, as I ran my hand through his hair.

"Please tell me this isn't a dream" Trent asked with so much pain in his voice, it nearly broke me.

"Its not a dream" I said as I leaned forward to capture his lips with mine. It was like an explosion of sparks burst, rushing through my body, I needed this and so much more. Im finally home.


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