Think its time to meet their new Luna

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Chapter 19

I looked at Trent green eyes, trying to access if I can really trust him, so soon. Would he love me enough to stay with me, even if I tell him about his fathers involvement in my parents death and the new suspicion that has come to light about the coven, but would he even believe me if I tell him who I am, most supernaturals think the gods are just legends, even do werewolves and vampires were all thought to be just that, legends, even do we all know they exist, people pick and choose what they want to believe in, as if the gods couldn't possibly exist, because they don't see them walking around everyday. But I think if im going to lose him, I want it to be now before we take this any further, and he leaves me completely broken, in one night he has become my world, but my world can always come crashing down around me.I turned to face him completely,

"Can I trust you Trent? because what I'm about to tell you could change your world, and possibly your feelings for me" I ask.

He looks at me with love, and it breaks my heart at the thought of losing him, but he has to know the truth.

"Of course you can, Athena, I'm your mate, I will keep whatever you tell me, just between us, nothing you say, is going to change how I feel for you, I already told you I love you, your my world Athena," he answered, with sincerity.

"Ok, I will tell you, but just let me finish explaining what I am first and you can ask all the questions you need to ask afterwards" I said.

"Ok, Athena, I won't interrupt you, you have my word" he said with an encouraging smile. I took a deep breath, here goes nothing.

"I'm a hybrid, but not the hybrids you are used to meeting. Yes, I am part werewolf and vampire, but that is only a quatre of me, my other side is more powerful and stronger, its takes over the vampire and werewolf side. I can't shift into a wolf, but I have all their strengths, and none of there weakness, I don't have fangs, or drink from humans, but if im seriously injured, blood can make the healing process speed up, and like my werewolf side, I don't have any of the weakness vampires have,  but I have all their strengths, but like both, I have a serious temper, my eyes glow a brighter colour of amber when Im pissed off and black when I get lost to bloodlust, I can control that part of me most of the time, but I do release it when Im on assignment, I haven't and never will hurt an innocent, whether their human, werewolf or vampire, I only hunt the dangerous ones and get it out of my system that way. I get the werewolf and vampire side from my father.

                                   My extra strength, fast healing and extra powers, come from my mother. My father was one of the leaders on the council, my mother was a goddess, born from Aphrodite and Ares, that makes me a demigod and the strongest hybrid ever born. Know one knew my parents had a child, except for a few trusted council members and the gods. But some from the vampire coven and some werewolves, didn't want me to be born, they thought I would be too powerful to be born and too hard to be controlled, my parents knew they would come to kill them, so they had me prepare to run when they came, I was only five, the night they came, instead of running, I went to see what was happening, I watched my parents been killed, all those men's faces have haunted me every night since then, last night was the first night I didn't have nightmares because of you, I stayed in Olympus til I was sixteen and then went to live with the council, training to go on assignments, but most of my training was done with Areas. I have been trying to track down my parents killers ever since, and I located them a couple of night ago" I said.

The feeling of relief washed over me, I felt the weight on my shoulders lighten, Trent is the first person I have ever trusted with this information, Im praying he won't betray and leave me.

                                   I look at him trying to read his face for a reaction, positive or negative, I need to know what is going on in his head, but I couldn't tell what he was thinking, his face was blank, my heart was thumping, I was sure it would burst out of my chest, if he doesn't say anything soon, but I am already preparing myself for the worst.

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