A taste of your own medicine !!

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Chapter 23

I woke up early this morning, to say goodbye to Trent, I didn't wants us to arrive to school together, I wanted to make a show for Eva and Casey. Know one from their pack new about me and Trent finally been together, and they were keeping it quite because Trent s pack couldn't tolerate the half moon pack, because of how full of themselves they are.         

Some of the half moon pack have tried to split up mates from the dark moon pack because all the half moon pack girls thought they were all that, now they are going to find out the hard way. Trent has given them permission to handle the stunts from the half moon pack how ever they see fit.

           I got out of the shower and blow dried and straightened my hair. Its was really hot today, so I am going to take advantage and show them bitches, my mark and if they ignore that,then  even the gods won't help them. I grabbed a waist high dark denim shorts, a dark red tank top and a pair of red converse. I'm tall so I will still be the same height or taller than most girls in school. I put on a thin layer of eyeliner and mascara, and my red lip gloss. I stood in front of the mirror, the outfit is cute and shows all my curves, and also showed most of my mates mark.

          I grabbed my leather jacket and my bag, I was taking my bike today. I got on my bike and started it and took off towards school. I arrived in the school car park, for everyone to turn around and stare at me and my bike. I looked around and I saw Eva and Casey smirk and make there way towards my mate, me and my mates eyes connected, as we smiled at each other.

                   Time for some fun, I focused my attention towards all the males from the half moon pack and let loose the seducer inside of me. I got off my bike and slowly ran my fingers through my hair as I looked at all the males, mated or not, they they don't stand a chance. I took off my jacket slowly, I had all the males attention.

                I smile at all the boys as the jaws practically hit the floor, as they fumbled over one another, to get to me. It was even funny to see Jake, fall over himself and watch the shock appear on Eva face as she watched her mates attention been directed at me. Casey was still smirking thinking she had one up on me, stupid bitch. I let Jake get close to me, to piss her off but not too close so Trent was still comfortable with it.

   I could hear her cheap heels clicking towards me again. She pushed her way through the crowd of boys, as her other bitch friends looked on in shock at their mates reaction. Know harm to give them a massive dose of their own medicine, I can't believe they would stoop so low as to try steal other girls mates, when they had their own. All I could here was " What the fuck are you doing Jake, I'm your mate not her" she screeched, as she pulled at him to get his attention, but unfortunately for her, his eyes were locked to me. " I am going to kill you, what have you done to our mates, I don't care if your apart of the council, I'm still going to kick your ass" she yelled, as she moved towards me, and swung her hand back to slap me. I caught it with ease, as I twisted it back and whispered in her ear " payback is a bitch, you won't be able to touch anyone's mates again when Im finished with you, so come on and give me your best bitch, because your not going to get close enough to touch me" I said as I flung her back as I let her hand go.

                                  She tried to hit me again and again, but I knocked her attempts easily away with my hand. She was started to get pissed at this stage, and was trying to claw at me, I think I have had enough fun with her, so I hit her full force in the face with a punch, easily breaking her nose, when she turned around again, I slammed my foot hard into her chest, as I  heard some of her ribs break, she didn't get up after that, she just looked at Jake for help, but his eyes were still on me.

" If you or your slutty friends touch any of the girls mate from the dark moon pack, I will take all your mates for good next time, so spread the word around because if we meet like this again, you won't walk away" I said calmy to her. I snapped my fingers and released all the males, but they won't remember any of it, Jake ran to Eva s side and she pointed at me. " You need to teach her about respect Jake, because if she trys to attack me again, I will have permission from the council to end her life, and I won't hesitate next time" I said to him as I walked away, at least he was smart enough to know not to touch me.

              Now, to deal with Casey, I walked towards my mate and that thing, as I glared at her letting my eyes glow, I grabbed her by the neck and lifted her off the ground as I slammed her into the wall.

"Don't ever touch my mate again, if you want to be left in one piece, I see you looking at him or walking close to him, I will give you a taste of what Eva got, so I suggest when I let you go, you move as quickly as possible to get as far from my mate as possible" I spat in her face.

I let her go and she went running in the opposite direction. I moved towards my mate " you look so hot when your angery" he said proudly. He wrapped one hand on my waist and his other hand stroked my face, as he leaned in and gave me a heated kiss that left me dazed. He held out his hand for mine, which I took gladly, and walked towards the entrance.

" At least they all know your mine, I am I yours and my packs Luna aswell, god love anyone that's looks at you inappropriately" he said while smiling at me.

Gods I am falling so hard for him .


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