Life changing

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Chapter 40

I stood there looking into the eyes of the man I love, I knew my answer. I never had to think about it. My answer is "YES, yes, yes" I said, as I fell to my knee, wrapping my arms around him and kissing him with everything I have. I pulled away smiling at his as he took the ring out of the box, gently putting it on my finger, as thousands of firefly's lite up our surrounding, I looked around in amazement, they looked like tiny stars, this moment is perfect, I looked back at a smiling Trent, who was also admiring them.

"There beautiful, I had a little help from the gods" he said.

"Its perfect, absolutely perfect" I said.

He leaned over, placed his hands on either side of my face, as he placed his lips on mine again, as sparks flex through my body. He lifted my hand where he placed the ring and kissed it. He stood up and pulled me up on my feet, hugging me as we looked around us. We stayed like that for half an hour before we decided to walk back to the pack house.

                                                As we walked through the door, cheers erupted, the whole pack was gathered in the hallway, everyone congratulating us as they look at my ring. Ares and Aphrodite, were there aswell, Aphrodite looked so happy as Ares held her close to him. I walked over to them, as they embraced me. I felt complete and happy. It was late by the time we got to bed, we laid down facing each other,

"You are perfect and I get to spend the rest of my life with you, I love you" he said.

"I love you and I'm yours forever" I said.

He leaned in and kissed my forehead, before we fell to sleep.


It has been a couple of weeks since Trent proposed and we have started planning our wedding. Leah has been so excited since I asked her to be my maid of honour. She is brining me to one of the bridal shops in town to get an idea of what dress I want but she also wants to pick out her dress. We arrived outside a very fancy wedding dress shop. Leah was so excited she was practically out of the car before it completely stopped. I couldn't help but laugh at her as I got out of the car to follow her in, but the same feeling went through me that I got the last day we were shopping, when a shiver went down my spine. I turned around slowing to scan my surroundings and like last time I found know one, I shook it off and walked.

                    We looked through all the dresses, I found two that stood out to me and grabbed them in my size, Leah on the other hand had half the shop with her piled up in her arms. I went into the dressing room, took my clothes off and stepped into the first dress and tried to zip it up, but the zip wouldn't reach the top, must just be the way the dress is made, so I took if off and stepped into the next dress, but the dress wouldn't zip up fully either. That is the first time ever that  I couldn't fit into something my size, I asked the assistance to grab me another two dresses in my size, she handed me the new two as I handed her back the two I tried. These dresses were even tighter. I looked in the mirror, my breasts looked a bit fuller but I noticed for the first time, my flat stomach was a little rounder and when I touched my stomach it was hard. Oh crap, I thought, when was my last period, I can't remember having one lately, between everything going on I haven't kept track of them. I need to get a test without Leah noticing. I got dressed and brought the two dresses out.

                                                        I watched Leah try on dress after dress for another hour, she had me in hysterics, when she got bored and tried on the most flamboyant and puffest dress in the shop.

"Come on, lets get something to eat in the mall I'm starving" I said to Leah

"Oh me too, all that trying on dresses made me hungery" she said.

We put the dresses back and thanked the owner telling her will be back again. We walked toward the food court, when I saw the pharmacy,

"Hey, will you order me whatever your getting, just going to get some painkillers, I feel a headache coming on" I said.

"Yeah, of course, you okay, its probably from been in the shop and trying on dresses, it was hot and stuffy, you might feel better after you eat, I will see you in a few minutes" Leah said.

I walked in and looked around til I found the what I was looking for, I bought three boxes with two in each, just to be sure, one test won't convince me, I will need to do another one. I walked to up to the counter and paid. I put them into my handbag and walked over to Leah, she was sitting down in on of the seats with a tray of food piled high in front of her.

"You weren't kidding when you said you were hungery" I laughed.

"What, a girls gotta eat and anyway half of this is yours" she said smiling.

I sat down beside her and we dug into our food, half an hour later we were both stuffed. We eventually moved off our seats and made our way out to the car. That feeling of someone watching me crept down my spine again, I didn't turn around to check, I didn't want to let whoever it was know I could feel their stare, I got into the passenger seat, and slowly looked around, I caught a glimpe of a young man standing at the corner of the stores, before I could get a good look he was gone.

"Are you okay Athena? " Leah asked.

"Yeah just thought I saw something, its nothing do" I replied.

We talked about all the dresses she liked and what colour she thought would look good. I couldnt concentrate on the wedding plans when in my bag was something that could change my life completely. When we got back to the pack house we stayed chatting for awhile. I told Leah I was going to head up to my room to get a long hot bath, I gave her a hug and headed up. I turned the taps on letting the hot water fill as I added a few bath bombs. I grabbed everything I needed along with the tests from my bag. I opened up the first box taking the two sticks out and read the instruction, all that stood out to me was one blue line was negative and two blue lines was positive. I just have to wee and wait, easy, except for the waiting part, that's why I ran a bath, Im going to do two test them get into my bath, relax and then check the tests. I turned on Florence and the machine and let the music flow through the speakers, I done my thing with the sticks, put the cap back on them and left them flat on the counter.

              I stepped into my bath and slowly sat myself down in the water as the smell of blue berries came from the bath bombs. I closed my eyes and let my body relax as my mind drifted to earlier, was that man I caught a quick glimpse of following us, that a few times I have felt like I have been watched, but its always out in the open when I get that feeling. Is my imagination playing playing up, am I only like this because I haven't done an assignment in months, that Im imagining this so I have something to do, I really need to keep myself occupied, I wonder would Trent let me train the pack, I do miss the fighting , the capture even the kill because I knew I was doing it to protect the supernatural community, mabey I will put in for an assignment, but if these test show something else, I know I can't do assignment, I also know Trent won't let me do anything, I would understand about the assignment but I need to keep my brain active or I 'll get bored. Okay I need to clear my head, relax and enjoy my bath, I thinking too much.
                                                          After half an hour, I was clean, relaxed and now wrinkly. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around myself as I walked towards the counter, I took a breath, picked up the first quick and look at it, two blue lines stared back at me, I picked up the second as two more lines stared back at me, both are positive, I'm pregnant!!

Seduce to kill (Book 1 in the Gods Series)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant