Til my last breath leaves my body

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Chapter 10

Trent POV

"Come on, push harder" I shouted. " Come on, you can do better than this" I shouted again. I had been training my pack for the last three hours and they were starting to slack off, I needed them strong and capable of fighting off attacker, if and when needed. I might be a young Alpha, but I take my position seriously. Were not one of the strongest packs for no reason, and I don't take kindly to piss takers during training sessions, as most of my pack have found out the hard way.  

I also have vampires to train aswell, my father made an alliance with the Black Blood Coven over twelve years ago, their coven is like family now, we train together and hang out and go clubbing. I don't allow turned vampires near my pack, they are unpredictable and dangerous when turned and I don't need any vamps trying to drain my pack members, its unusual, as it is for a pack to be joined with a coven without adding to it that they are draining my members. 

The move to this new town should be good for all of us, were just about sorted, but I didn't want them getting lazy while we were moving, or been to cocky with nothing to back it up with, especially when the terrority we have moved to already has a pack settled there, we don't need fights but at least I know if there were some, my pack are well trained. 

The Half Moon pack, is also one of the strongest aswell, so it wouldn't be an easy win, the only difference from our pack to theirs is the coven and I'm have taken position of alpha over a year ago, at the age of seventeen, Im now eighteen, whereas their pack is still run with the same alpha it has been for decades, until his son finishes high school this year. Talking about them, I have a meeting later with their alpha to talk about an alliance and how to manage two packs in the one area without pissing each other off.  

I finished off training after another hour and went straight to my room to get a shower for this meeting, I won't make to good of an impression if I turn up sweaty and stinking. I turned up the shower to the hottest I could take it, I stripped off, and let the water spray down my back as I washed myself thoroughly, and stayed in for another twenty minutes, just letting the water relax my body. I turned off the water, grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist, and using another one to dry my hair a bit. I cleaned the steam off the mirror and looked at my reflection, my green eyes stood out against my tanned complexion and jet black hair, the boyish look was gone from my face, instead I looked older about twenty one, twenty two, with some stubble grown on my face. My body was now packed with muscles from all the training, I have wide shoulders with a black tribal tattoo that started above my wrists, travelling up my arms, going across my shoulders and shoulder blades and down my other arm, coming down my chest a bit, I have a well defined eight pack, when I look at the mirror again, my eyes look cold and hard, I don't show weakness, I can't, I learnt that when I took over the pack at seventeen, I had to earn respect myself from my pack, it wasn't just given because I got the title alpha, I had to work harder to prove myself, to show the pack that they are safe with me. 

I parked outside the Half Moon Pack house with my Beta Chase, he is the same age as me and my closest friend, he took over Beta when I took over as Alpha.

"Lets hope this goes well, I don't want to have any shit with them, it would make thing go alot smoother" I said.

" well man, just keep your face blank, and stand confident in front of him, you never know, you could find your mate it here" Chase said.

"Hopefully, I'm getting tired of waiting, its two years since I turned sixteen, I'm starting to think I don't have one, your lucky Chase to have found yours, Im tired of doing this alone, I need my Luna, my mate" I said. 

I'm the only one of us out of all my close friends that didn't find their mate when I turned sixteen, I walked around for hours, Every day hoping to catch my mates scent, or feel sparks from any woman I brushed off, after six months I started to give up hope, after two years I gave up completely, but I don't sleep around and use girls, me and my body are for my mate only, I just hope I don't die a virgin, and at this rate it looks like I will.  

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