Chapter fifteen

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"You want me to do what?!" I demand as I stumble out of the hummer.
"He is already waiting, it's you or one of them" Beth laughs pulling me through the doors of a strip club.
We have been drinking since lunch, after we finished at the day spa and I think she has lost her mind.
"You might need this" Leah giggles passing me a bag, I peek inside and I see strapped leather and stripper heels.
"I am not crashing his bachelor party" I say turning bright red.
"You're not, this was always the plan" Jace says behind me.
"Oh thank god, big man, tell them we can't be here" I fall against him and he catches me.
"Jesus Christ Beth, how much has she had to drink?" He brushes my hair from my face checking on me and I smile at him.
"Bout the same as me, but no concern is needed I'm a big girl" she sneers at him and his face whips to hers.
They share a silent moment and I can tell Jace is lost for words, with a sigh he turns back to me.
"Tiny dancer it's time to earn your nick name. Your man is waiting for you" he ignores her outburst.
"Jace, he doesn't want to see me tonight" I groan.
"He won't" Cole laughs.
"Not you too, I thought you would be on my side" I tell him standing on my own.
"Oh I am, see that blonde?" He points to a busty set of double D's in a thong and nothing else.
"I've been trying to set them up all night, she's keen to go in if you're not" he smirks taking a hit of his joint and I take it from his mouth.
"Oh I don't fucking think so" I say and keep it for myself, it's strong and my mind rolls.
"That's the spirit!" Beth claps as I unbutton my shirt.
"Not here gorgeous, these girls need to make a living. You don't want to take their tips" Cole laughs taking back his weed and directing me to a closed door. "I think someone is going to have to help her dress" he adds stepping inside with me.
"Yeah, nah. Not gonna happen" Jace tells him pulling him back out. "You have enough to look at out here, Beth do you mind?" He asks politely.
"Of course not" she smiles overly polite
"Hey Lizzy, he worries about me because I have a drinking problem. Tonight my problem is I didn't drink enough for this shit" I tell her and she gasps looking to Jace.
"Yeah I know she hides it well, all the good ones do" he shrugs.
"Cole hit me" I giggle and he holds the joint to my lips.
"Go get him tiger" he teases and I blow the smoke back in his face.
"Keep my girls company? I might be a while" I wink at him and he grins.
"You know it"
Beth pushes me into a dressing room with underwear laying out everywhere, I must admit I feel like a bit of a prude in a place like this and to think Cooper has been here most of the night.
"Okay, so he has no idea you are here. The plan is keep it that way as long as possible. He is blindfolded and tied up and from what I've been told drunk as hell" she giggles removing my shoes and undoing my jeans.
"He will know it's me" I grumble
"Girl you smell like whiskey and weed, he won't know unless you give it away"
I remove my bra and panties I'm completely naked and I laugh.
"What's funny?" Beth asks.
"The last time I got naked for my best friend he fucked me against the wall and we were best friends no more, just got a flash of history repeating" I wink at her.
"Oh you are in a naughty mood, Coops gonna love you" she giggles doing up multiple buckles on my lingerie.
It's black leather straps crisscross over my stomach and v between my legs coving virtually nothing and the cups of my bra are so sheer they may as well not be there. I step into the high red stilettos and Beth covers me in a heavy scented perfume that I would never wear.
"Well damn, maybe Coop can wait. I'm tempted now myself" she looks me up and down.
"Sorry you missed your chance" I kiss her cheek.
"Okay door three" she covers me with a red silk robe and slips my phone into the pocket, we walk out the door we came through.
"Here, this one. Have fun" she whispers pushing me inside holding her finger over her lips to tell me to be quiet.

Inside I see Coop, he is tied to a chair and blindfolded as promised. The door clicks closed behind me and his head snaps to me.
"Hello? I'm sorry my friends thought this would be funny but I promise this is not necessary. I'm sorry but I don't want this" he tells me and my heart swells for him.
He is here, surrounded by beautiful naked women and he is refusing.
There is a table with a bottle of scotch and a iPhone dock and now I know why I have my phone. I walk over and connect and play something that would make Coop think of me but I haven't played for him before and line up the next few songs as well. Future and the Weeknd sing lowlife and I remove my robe smiling.
"Please I really don't need this" Coop repeats.
"Thirsty?" I whisper low in his ear and he shivers and nods.
No glasses? Oh well. I open the bottle and take a large mouthful and hold it there.
Placing one hand on the chair either side of Coop I tilt his head back with my forehead and my hair forms a curtain around us, my lips touch his and as I kiss him I give him the scotch. He swallows and groans.
I move my hands through his hair and my hips move to the music.
"Got any more of that weed? Maybe we could have a drink and just talk?" Coop asks nervous.
I rub my cheek on his and shake my head. I twist to sit in his lap dancing for him and hello little Coop. I smile.
"What's your name?" He asks to distract himself.
"Baby" I whisper and bite his ear.
"No, it's not. Pick something else" he shakes his head.
I unbutton his shirt and run my hands over his chest, I can't help myself and I lick his abs.
"Oh fuck, I'm gonna kill them! Please just stop, I can't do this" he breathes and I undo his pants to give him more room.
"Stop! My pants stay on" he growls.
Okay lover, for now. He cocks his head to the side and I freeze. Put your guard up woman, block him out! I tell myself.
"More?" I whisper and lift the bottle to Coops lips to break his thoughts.
He swallows a large amount and it drips over his lips and onto his chest, don't mind if I do. My tongue takes the same path as Cooper groans in my ear, I straddle him and move against him as I lick and massage his neck.
"Who picked you? It was Cole wasn't it? Fuck, your hands are so small. She is going to kill me for this" his head falls back and I can't help the evil smile on my face.
I get lost to the beat and Coops heavy Breathing and before I can stop my grind I'm crying out holding on too tight and kissing his mouth as my muscles bite down.
"Fuck, that mouth" he moans then tenses.
"I didn't mean that literally, please don't" he panics. "Are we finished? You all good? I have a woman I need to go and beg to" he licks his lips and I kiss them again, they taste like scotch and Cooper.
"We are so not done" I tell him and untie his hands leaving his feet locked up.
His hands land on my ribs to push me away but he feels the leather and moans, moving his hands up over my breasts like he can't help himself.
My head falls back at his touch and his hands move to my neck and one hand fists my hair almost too rough and I whimper, his other hand continues up to my face and traces my features. His lips part and he brings them close putting us nose to nose. Isabel...He inhales and almost smiles and he kisses me hard and my hips continue their grind dry humping my man.
I can feel his shame and regret as much as I can feel his arousal and I can't continue his torture any longer, I kiss him back and lift the blindfold off his head. He keeps his eyes closed not wanting to see the person he thinks has just ruined his marriage, I love you so much Chuck. He moans in my mouth then gasps pulling away and slowly he opens his eyes.
"Oh fuck baby! Isabel. Oh thank god. I'm sorry, oh fuck what are you wearing?" He is shocked and relieved at the same time as it hits him that he hasn't been unfaithful to me but realises I know he thinks he was.
"Surprise" I whisper and kiss him some more.
"Baby, what the fuck?" He groans.
"Not my idea, lover. I told them you wouldn't want me to do this but Cole showed me who would be walking in here if I didn't and well, here I am" I shrug embarrassed.
"Isabel, that's so not fair. You know exactly how to turn me on, this body turns me on" he bites my neck and arches his hips up.
"Coop I'm not mad, you put up a good fight" I giggle.
"Just how wasted are you right now?" He squeezes my ass pushing me into his erection and I cry out.
"A bit" I confess.
"Baby why do you taste like weed?" He smirks
"I stole Cole's joint" I grimace.
"Baby he saw you like this?!" Coop freaks out.
"No, not for lack of trying" I giggle.
Kiss it better starts to play and I roll my hips in his lap.
"Hmm god damn woman, dance for me" he breathes.
"Tell me what you're willing to do" I sing to him with a smile.
"With you. Everything"
I stand and do as I'm asked dancing for my man in my ridiculous outfit that has Coop's eyes bugging out of his head.
"We are taking this home" his voice rumbles as he hooks his finger in the small V that covers only my clitoris and pulls me back to him.
He bends me over his knee pushing my head down low so my ass is in the air and he spanks me and runs his hands from my heels to my neck.
"Did you buy this?" He asks moving the leather that covers my modesty to the side, lucky I have no modesty tonight and the half inch leather strap that causes friction every time I move is more than enough.
"Beth" I groan as he looks at me.
"Did you know about this when you kissed me goodbye this morning?"
"I knew about this five minutes before I walked inside this room" I whimper as he slides a finger inside me.
"All the girls are here? Waiting outside?" He asks.
"Uh huh" I breathe
"Untie my feet baby" he growls and I do as I'm told since I'm down here anyway.
"Are you mad?"
"Yes. Jace is in so much trouble"
"And me?" I ask and he removes his finger.
"Oh yes baby, so much trouble. Different trouble though" he winks down at me.
He lifts me and he stands, sitting me on his chair and he free's himself from the tight confines of his pants.
"Thirsty?" He asks taking a swig from the bottle and I nod.
He bends kissing me and gives me his mouthful, oh sweet Jesus it's his turn to be in charge.
I swallow and Cooper holds my head still as he pushes himself past my lips.
"Kiss it better baby" he moans.
I do and by the harsh sounds coming from Coop he feels so much better.
"Baby stand up" he breathes pulling away from me.
"Part your feet, good girl. Grab your ankles and don't let go" he orders I'm helpless to refuse, I want him so bad. "How did I get so fucking lucky? You are amazing woman" his hands are amazing as they move over the back of my thighs and ass. "So Beautiful" he tells me as he enters me gently.
He moves so strong and dominant but his hands are respectful and loving and I fall apart for him over and over before he finds his release.

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