Chapter thirteen

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His arms wrap around me and I lean my face into his chest, I can't speak yet. Kid ink's Show me is fast and pulsing but we are dancing slow.
"This is unexpected, I thought we had a date for tomorrow?" He teases bumping my hip.
"We do, thought I'd get a peek at these dance moves before showing you off to my friends" I say and I almost smile.
He takes my hand and with a smooth move he spins me so my back is to his chest, our hips move together and his hands run down my arms gripping my hands and lifts them over my head making me arch back. Oh yeah he has the moves and they are designed for one purpose, seduction.
"How am I doing so far?" He whispers in my ear and I laugh. "That wasn't the reaction I was hoping for" he grumbles.
I spin back to face him and my smile fades.
"Cole I have something very unfair I want to ask you" I beg with my eyes for him to understand.
"I know, you sure you want to do it here?" He leans in to me.
"How do you know what I'm going to ask for?" I breathe.
"Gorgeous, you have been staring at my mouth all day" he smiles.
"I need to know if there is anything there, just once and I know that's not fair to you" I leave Coop out of it.
"Izzy, one chance is more than I thought I would ever get with you. If you feel nothing, at least I know" it doesn't make it easier that Coop is right so far, Cole will feel better after this too. "If you do feel something, I won't stop til you're mine" he warns me.
"I love him so much, I would never be completely yours" I tell him honestly.
"Will he still want you after you do this?" He asks concerned.
"Only one way to find out" I breathe and I kiss him before I chicken out.

Our lips are soft and shy then Cole's hand cups the back of my head angling me, we are not even pretending to dance anymore. My heart is racing and I try to calm it, I can't feel anything but my pulse. He opens my lips with his and gently his tongue flicks out, I wasn't expecting tongue and I gasp. He takes the opportunity to deepen the kiss, fuck we are doing it so we may as well do it right. I kiss him back moving my tongue with his, man this kid has skill and I can tell he's practiced a lot. His mouth is warm and his lips are soft, I cup his cheeks and they are soft too with no stubble. I can feel his frown and he tries harder, pulling me into his body. Usually at this point I'm greeted with a little hardness and I don't know if I'm disappointed or not. It's very comfortable here in his arms and I don't feel awkward at all, I could do this all night. But only this. I have no compulsion to take it further, no desire to jump him here and now. My thoughts are clear and I can feel Cole thinking too, he pulls back to kiss my face and jaw and tilts me back to kiss my neck. My eyes open and I watch the laser light flashing above us, I'm surprised my breath is even my neck is like the ignition switch to my panties.
"Anytime you're ready to start feeling, just go for it" Cole chuckles.
"You first" I laugh.
"Gorgeous girl I'm trying" he bites my neck and I yelp pulling away. "Sorry sorry, didn't mean to hurt you" he kisses the spot one more time.
"It usually doesn't" I cup his face and pull it in front of mine and shake my head.
"I don't understand, I love you" he breathes.
"I love you too Cole, we are family" I tell him
"I have never loved anyone like I love you, I miss you constantly" he pushes.
"But you're not in love with me Bug, was I the first person to tell you I love you and mean it?" I ask cautiously.
"You were the first to tell me full stop" he shrugs.
"Your mother?" I ask and he shakes his head.
I pull him close again with my heart breaking for him.
"I'm sure somewhere inside her she did love me, she kept feeding me. But she was too broken herself" he shrugs.
"We love you, you will never be alone again" I promise him.
"Does that mean you're taking me on your honeymoon?" He smiles.
"I may not get one" I frown.
Cole leans his head on mine kissing my forehead.
"I've got your back, I'll talk to him" he tells me before he is ripped away from me.
I look up to see Jace throw a punch, and Cole stumbles back.
"Whoa Jace no!" I say holding his arms.
"I can't stand there and watch him destroy your lives" Jace fumes.
"Then hit me, I started it" I tell him.
People are starting to stare and security is moving to Coops office.
"Don't even think about it. You hit her you die" Cole warns wiping his mouth.
"You won't be kissing anyone anytime soon with that mouth now" Jace smiles so cold ignoring me.
"You okay?" I ask Cole and he nods.
"Big man please, come with me" I pull his massive arms but he is frozen in place, staring over Cole. "Jace, now!" I yell and finally he looks at me, I see the disappointment in his eyes and it nearly breaks me.
"Lead the way" he growls.
We walk towards the office and we pass Coop with the guards my stomach sinks and my heart thumps.
"Happy now? Make sure your brother is okay" I tell him and keep walking pulling Jace with me, Coops expression is unreadable.
"Why would he be happy Iz? His reason for living just made out with his brother on the dance floor of his bar" he asks slamming the door behind him.
"Because he asked for it!" I snap breathless. "Why do you think I was so upset when I came in? Cooper thinks I'm in love with Cole and thought me kissing him would open my eyes to it" I don't even make it to the sofa and flop to the floor sitting with my head between my knees.
I think I'm hyperventilating.
"And did it?" Jace asks coming to sit beside me.
"No, but Coop was right we needed to do that. Cole now knows he doesn't have those feelings for me either" Jace sits me up and he leans back on the side of the desk keeping me pressed against him.
"I'm sorry, I should have trusted you. I have never seen a love like the two of you have, Coop is my best friend, my brother and I couldn't let Cole destroy that"
"No, I could've chosen somewhere more private. Cooper knows how to push my buttons and I kinda just flew off. He didn't see did he? You know what I don't even care, I hope he did then he would know I felt nothing. I love Cole but kissing him would be like kissing you, I'm sure you're really good at it but you could never turn me on"
"There used to be a time I would have taken that as a challenge" he laughs.
"As much as I think that was unnecessary, I love that you have Coop's back. You really are a great friend" I smile.
"I would do the same for you honey" he rubs my arm.

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