Chapter four

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I really try to watch the Van Damme movie we have watched so many times before but the breath on the back of my neck proves to be too distracting. I twist in Coopers arms and he holds me just right, cradling me to his chest and I kiss him slow and unhurried, he tastes like the chocolate we have just eaten, my fingers move over the stubble on his jaw and down his neck, the kiss continues and my head swims. Fingers make a fist in my hair and I moan, I flick out my tongue and Cooper's dances with mine. We kiss and we kiss, it never ends and I only want more, more of his mouth, more of his heart. Mine beats solely for him, I couldn't give anymore if I tried.
"When should we tell them they are not alone?" I hear Beth whisper from the doorway.
"Not yet, they look too happy" Jace whispers back.
I ignore them and continue enjoying my man, I feel Cooper smile and start to pull away. No, not yet! I hold him tighter. He kisses me for a moment longer then pulls away.
"What is it with him and his timing?" Coop breathes to me, his eyes soft and his face tells me he was really enjoying our kiss too.
"Do we light up a bat signal when we kiss?" I shake my head.
"Twice in one day, must be my lucky day" Coop teases Jace.
"Hey Beth" I blush under her stare.
"Girl look at you go, I can't get used to seeing you with a man" she claps.
"Like you've seen her with a woman" Jace chuckles taking her statement the wrong way.
"Actually I have only seen her get busy with a woman, she never touched that fuck face Sam" she smiles at him.
Oh thank god Coop already knows about that.
"No way!" He smiles so big his dimples have dimples.
"Izzy was curious about the fairer sex and what kind of BFF would I be if I let her wander around gay bars alone" she shrugs.
"We're you curious?" He breathes, his eyes glued to her mouth.
"I'm always curious" she smiles back at him.
"When should we tell them they're not alone" I say to Coop.
"Not yet, they look too happy" he chuckles.
"Touché" Jace says coming to sit on the chair beside the bed.
"What are you guys doing here?" I ask waving Beth over, she sits on the end of the bed in front of me.
"I wanted to see if the clothes fit, what do you think? Belle I had to see you awake for myself"
"Lizzy, I think you had it right the first time. It's the clothes, right?" I tease her.
"I'll take them back, all of them" she laughs pulling at my shirt.
"No, I like them. No take backs" I say holding onto her hands.
"You scared me" she whispers.
"I'm so sorry for everything that happened that night, the thought of him so close to you. I can protect myself, but I know I wouldn't be strong enough to protect you too. Not against him" I don't feel scared or angry, I'm not upset I just tell it as a fact.
"You don't need to be, that's not your job" she smiles at me.
"It needs to be someone's" I mumble
"Anyway, has your delicious fiancé filled you in on the wedding plans?" She smiles. Delicious? How would she know? I feel a pang of jealousy rip through me before squashing it down. She doesn't, she was just giving him a compliment.
"Yes he has, thank you both for everything you have done for me. I know Jace hates shopping, I don't know how you managed to get him to agree" I giggle.
"Jace does not hate shopping" she frowns looking at all of us.
Jace tries to keep a straight face and fails so he just looks at the ground.
"Then why would you offer to..." She trails off thinking.
"Have you guys eaten?" Cooper changes the subject
"No, not yet. I was going to bring something up but wasn't sure if you already had. I knew Iz wouldn't want anything served up here" he smiles at me.
Could he tell I didn't like her, does he know I was jealous? I frown at him.
"Then maybe we could grab something from downstairs? Leave the girls to their girl talk" Cooper suggests.
"Yeah man we can definitely do that" he jumps up too eager.
"You hungry big man or just don't like girl talk?" I laugh
"Take your pick honey" he chuckles and kisses me on the head.
Automatically he turns and kisses Beth too taking her by surprise. She blushes and looks away too quickly. Oh things are getting juicy.
"I'll leave my phone with you baby, call Jace if you need me" Cooper kisses my mouth and I hold him to me.
"I always need you" I tell him.
"Good, that's how I like it" he smiles shyly at me.
"Love you"
"Love you more" he stands leaving me cold without his touch.
Cooper places his hand on Beth's shoulder and she smiles up at him.
"Take care of my girl?" He asks.
"You bet"
"Dude it's an elevator ride not a jet across the country" Jace moans from the door.
"Patience my man" Coop chuckles winking at me as he leaves.
Hmm I love it when he does that. I giggle like a teenager.
"He looks so good on you honey" Beth gushes when they leave.
"Ditto" I smile back at her.
"Cooper looks good on me?" She asks shocked.
"Don't play coy, I'm talking about Jace"
"What?! Jace is not interested in me like that, we are friends like the two of you" she shrugs.
"Okay if you say so" I sigh.
"What? Has he said anything to you?"
"Honey, he is my best friend. I would never betray his confidence" I say feigning offence.
"I was your best friend first" she grumbles.
"And that's why I would never betray yours" I smile.
"You are the devil, you know that right"
"Grr just give me the juicy bits, you've got the feels haven't you?" I say frustrated.
"Izzy, I don't want to make a fool of myself here. He likes the ladies and I don't know if the attention he is giving me is just because I'm a lady. He hands it out freely" she grumbles.
"But you like it when he does?" I ask.
"Have you seen him with anyone else?" I smirk knowing he hasn't dated for months.
"Just you" she whispers.
Oh, she thinks we..
"Beth, I'm not gonna lie, he loves me and I love him. I can spend the whole day with him and not get bored, we spent most of the day cuddled up in this bed. I think the world of him, I truly do. We will never ever be intimate, and you never have to worry we are anything more than friends. Don't let any thoughts of us stop you from wanting more with Jace"
"I can't be anyone's second choice"
"He's never made a play me, there's no risk of that" I tell her.
"He's never made a play at me either" she sighs.
"Just get to know him, if things progress naturally that's great. If not you have made a wonderful friend"
"You're right, he is a great friend. He's funny, loyal and reliable. Doesn't hurt that he is easy on the eyes either" she blushes.
"No it doesn't, he is definitely easy on the eyes" I smile back at her.
"Okay so I have these hairstyles in mind for the big day" she pulls out her phone and shows me a hundred different photos of basically the same hairdo.
I groan inwardly and agree to them all. I listen patiently to all her suggestions and ideas for my wedding but really I'm just waiting for my man and my food.
I stiffen as the meals are wheeled in from my least favourite meal girl, does she ever go home? Her skirt is even shorter than lunch time and she has fresh makeup on. I think she was hoping to dob in my lunchtime visitor and have Coop running into her arms for comfort.
"Dinner for one or two tonight? Is Cooper coming back?" She interrupts.
"Cooper will be back any minute, you're welcome to wait for him. My fiancé is just downstairs with Jace, you know the big guy you met earlier? I thought maybe there was something you wanted to say to him" I smile innocently.
"Uh did he want me to wait? Did he ask about me?" She blushes.
"No, not a word but he doesn't like games. If there is something you want from him, just ask him"
Beth watches us in silence.
"Can I give him my number, maybe he can call me? Or maybe you could give me his?" She asks nervously, fuck she has balls asking me for my mans number.
"No need, he's back" I smile as he walks through the door and I sit back against the bed calmly.
"No need for what?" Coop asks nervously, he can sense my inner bitch about to strike.
"Your phone number. Miss meal tray would like to talk to you love" I tell him.
"Uh my names actually Ella" she mumbles pointing to the name tag on her overly enhanced chest.
Jace chuckles quietly in the doorway.
"Sure, what's up?" Cooper asks Ella as he moves the actual meal tray on my table to set down the bag of food he brought in.
"Can we maybe talk in the hall? It's kinda personal" she curls her blonde hair around her finger and pops her hip as she talks.
"Okay?" Coop walks as far as the doorway and stops staying in eyesight.
She follows him out and stands way too close to him, she is so much taller than me and is close to being eye to eye with him.
"What the fuck?" Beth whispers.
"She thinks she is getting me in trouble for having a man in my bed today at lunch. She wants a shot with my man" I shrug.
"You had a man in your bed?" She gasps making me laugh.
"A big sexy man" I giggle.
"Aww honey, thanks. You're not too bad yourself" Jace teases coming to sit down on the bed with us.
"Oh right, yeah you said that. Are you letting her have a shot with him?" She shakes her head.
"That's his decision not mine, if he prefers a tall blonde with legs for weeks and fake as fuck boobs that can't possibly drink legally he can have it. Let's face it why would he give up all this when he's got a needy, too short, declared mentally unstable drama queen with daddy issues? I mean it's a tough choice really" okay bitch is set to high. I try and calm myself.
"Isabel, she has nothing on you, she can't tell Coop anything he doesn't already know about us. We have nothing to hide and nothing to be ashamed of, and you are the only girl Coop can see. There is no choice for him" Jace wraps his arms around my middle from behind and I lean my head back on his shoulder and take a large slow breath.
"If he runs off with that girl, I'm marrying you, you know exactly what a girl needs to hear" I whisper and Jace chuckles in my ear.
"Sure honey" he kisses my hair.
"Shh, I'm trying to eavesdrop" Beth whispers.

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