I turned my phone off before I walked out of the school so nobody could get in contact with me. Other than watching Jaz, I've been keeping my eye on Theodore Reed. That nigga has something coming for him as soon as things settle down in my person life. EJ has this plan to kill of Daniel first and work his way through the family but I don't have time for that shit nor do I have time for his, Ava's or Stephen's antics anymore. And I'm done with EJ belittling me. We're co-partners in the business and I want to be treated like an adult. I've stressed this before but he doesn't listen to me, so now I'm gonna have to do the same thing he did to MJ. Everybody will be all right if he, Ava and Stephen weren't alive anymore. Actually, I think everybody will be happy if they're dead.

I crossed the parking lot with my car in my view. All I need to do is get to my car without getting distracted by anything or anybody. I was basically sprinting across the parking lot at this point since I needed to drive all the way up to Los Angeles. It's a 40 minute drive, but knowing the traffic, I'll be lucky to get up to Jazmine's school within an hour. As soon as I reached my car, I heard somebody calling my name.

"Aubrey! Slow down!"

I sucked my teeth. Damn. Majesty's still around? I haven't heard from her since I kicked her out of my apartment three weeks ago. I haven't seen her since then either since she likes to skip school so much. I turned around and watched as she walked up to me, looking tore the fuck up. Her hair was stiff and greasy and she had on this dirty ass sundress with grease stains on it. She walked up to me with a smile on her face, and once she was close enough on me, she wrapped her arms around me.

"What's up?" I mumbled, looking down at her. I wasn't going to hug her back.

"Hey Aubrey. I haven't seen you in awhile," she said, letting go of me. "Where have you been?"

"I was suspended," I told her.

This school suspended me for fighting and bringing up people to help me fight Theodore. Theodore only got suspended for three days while I got suspended for a whole week. Man, if I was really petty, I would've snitched that Theodore carries a gun on a campus. If the administration heard that he has an illegal weapon on him at school, he'd be expelled but I won't be that petty. I took my one week suspension like a man and used my time to plot out how I'm going to take out EJ, Ava and Stephen and I've been watching Jaz.

She frowned. "Oh yeah, I saw the fight between you and Theodore. You really kicked his ass."

I smirked. "I know. What? Were you expecting me not to?"

She shook her head. "No. Of course I was expecting you to win."

"Alright, so what'chu doing over here? I got some business to handle."

"I just wanted to come over here and talk to you since I haven't seen you in such a long time."

I smacked my lips. "Stop playing. You know you ain't come over here just to see me. I know you came over here for a reason."

She sighed. "Alright, well I actually came over here to talk to you and apologize about what happened the last time we were together. I shouldn't have been trying to make our relationship more than what it actually is by trying to cuddle with you and hang out with you after we sleep together. I should have slept with you, took the money and I should have left. I shouldn't have put my hands on because what you were saying was right."

I smirked. Majesty always comes back and apologizes after I fuck up. I socked her in the mouth and I got her apologizing. "And what else?"

"And I deserved to get hit because I was wrong and you were only trying to help me and school me on the right thing to do. I'm sorry Aubrey. I hope you accept my apology."

So Far Gone (Urban) Book 8 | The Sideline SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now