Please....stop their fighting....(chapter 4 part help me)

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Oh, its me again. Yeah, if you want Silver's or Jade's point of view...too bad. Daybreak doesn't care about them enough to give them more stuff. So, uh, yeah back to what I...wait where was I? don't...oh....ooooooh I really have to....fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine, but only since its been like a month and Daybreak actually has time since Summer is a thing wherever she is.

"Sorry, what?!" I questioned looking at the ghost in disbelief. "I already have enough paranormal, supernatural things to deal with."

"Whatever, you get no choice. So, I kinda don't feel like pestering you and filling your mind with terrible jokes right now, so...I'm gonna disappear. See ya!" with that, Ricia disappeared with an annoying poof of smoke.

"That was my catch phrase..." I sighed then started to head back to the town. On the way there I think I might have killed someone and stolen their money but, I honestly don't remember. Did I? I mean, it wouldn't be out of character for me, I am a thief or whatever. (I bet you never would have guessed huh) Eh, my, now part-time, job aside, the walk back was boring so Daybreak is using this lazy thing called a timeskip.

----back in town----

Snake's Vein, right?...Do I want to steal a boat? I mean, of course I want to steal a boat. But do I want to escort a princess on a stolen boat? I thought trying to figure out a ride for us to get to Colis. I continued making my way to the inn. Maybe I should as Crow the fastest route to get there. I mean, he had to have gotten to Fya somehow. Nah, I'll just steal a boat. Yes. No. Yes. No. I'M SO CONFLICTED! As I finally reached the inn I decided to just steal a boat. For two reasons. One: way easier. Two: I barely had money on me. Just as I said, the dawn was just beginning to break and who do we see first? A sleep-deprived looking Crow! No one cares!

"Master- er- Thief... good morning!" he sad politely.

"Trust me," I patted his shoulder, "It won't be a good morning for very long." Before he could start to form the question 'why' a sleep-deprived looking princess with a new, lighter dress walked out of the inn. I pointed at her. "Tek hrryah....." I mumbled. "Hey, Adalayde!"

"That's princess Adalayde to you."

"No, it really isn't. You know that border you crossed? That means I don't have to respect you anymore. I thought we went over this already." Oh, Ricia said in my head, you're right, she does act like kind of a hrryah. DAYBREAK MAKE A FYAN DICTIONARY!!! Nea (no) Sche ji Fya (You're in Fya) haire (learn) katau (to speak) Aheji(Fyan). Great, now everyone can speak exactly ONE PHRASE in Fyan. I blocked out the rest of that conversation as best as I could since I knew it would get very meta very fast.


Oh my gosh, this is never going to end....I'll just end it here. Stay awesome. SEE YA!!

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