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Picture of Adelle and Athena on top √


15 .

" Adelle !! " I quickly step back and turn around to see a woman shaking looking at me .

" What are you thinking . " I look at the woman but I didn't bother to move .

" Like you care Athena . " I cried out as she slowly approached me .

" Nonsense Adelle . " She held out her hand for me I'm not taking her hand I'm jumping for real .

" You're wasting your time Athena go home to your precious Ara . " My mom's eyes began to watery. Ugh I hate this feeling this feeling of pity like I'm the bad guy and after all she is my mom and no mother would want to see her child jump over a cliff and it made me cried out loudly, Ugh .

" I hate it when you make me feel this way Athena s-so vulnerable and broken and you make me feel bad about myself. You make me feel so selfish but I'm not. I have to be this way because you made me this way. I've became strong and weak at the same time but when your around I become a monster at least know the monsters you create if you can't love me as your daughter at least love me as a monster . " I angrily cried out as Athena cries I step at the edge of the cliff and turned my back at Athena .

" Give me a reason to live . " I cried out because I really need one . 

" I love you Adelle I've always have g-give me a chance to show it to you to shower you with my love. I know it's not a good reason but I believe your wasting your life you're such a beautiful lady who has a talent and the future awaits for you.Don't waste it because of me baby . " My heart was sewn back to pieces b-but what if she's playing i- I can't deal with this but at least she's reaching out. I slowly turn to see my mom's beautiful green eyes and stepped away from the edge .

" You promise . " I said sobbing as she pulled me into a hug .

" I promise . " And we both cried out Its been years since I've felt a mother's touch of protection and care and I hugged her so tight so I could tell myself it's not a dream.For once I've felt so complete and happy .


After our little redeem we drove home straight and wake up the girls they were all shocked and scare at the same time oh well it is a big change even Ara fainted .
After filing the girls in as my mom well went somewhere the maid's knocked after a few minutes  the girls groans as the maid disturb our stories .

" ahemm - girls your mom said to get dressed in your P.J's and go straight to the PR after . " And then she left with no instructions and we were all curious about the PR . So we did what we were  told and we all grab our P.J's as Ara surprised me with a pair of P.Js for us since we're twins, it's cute .We all hold our hands and skip to look for the PR . And when we got to the tea room it says PR on the door and Annarose couldn't wait so she just opened the door and jumped in follow by us .

And our mouths dropped ahaaaa PR : Party Room we all screamed running towards the water bed and jumped up and down pushing one another down laughing .

" Ahemm is that a way to behave . " My mom said as we all froze and my mom laughs .

" got you guys . " She said as we all laugh and went to hug our mommy , yes mommy. We all sat down in our own beds eating snacks looking at our mom .

" Girls i-i want to say I'm sorry for everything for controlling your lives and for well being a bitch . '' We all laugh and went to hug our mom . We started parting we went and slide down from the slide build in the stairs using our beds , we played hide and seek , playing cards , truth or dare , and so much more . We are camping in my mom's tea room and were parting hard painting our nails and styling our hair and I just had to pinch myself to remind me it's not a dream my mom had the maid's set up our movie theater after and we went to get popcorn with candies , Ara and I mostly fought over kit Kat's they are our favorite . 

We all cuddle up in one big bed as the movie starts . I gasp as my new movie was playing on the screen and were watching it with my family but it can't be only part owner of stocks who payed the money for the production could access an original copy I look at my mom but she was smiling .

" I-I am one of the stock holders of your company w-well major stock holder because I believe in your dreams Adelle and so I invested a lot for your movies under a fake name because I don't want you to be mad w-well are you mad . " She's one of the stock holders. She's the one who helped my team out a lot how can I be mad . I pulled my mom into a tight and placed a kiss on her cheeks .

" Thank you mom . " I said .

" Group hug ! " Ara called out and before I knew it I was stuck in the middle by hands . When we pulled off we watch the movie .


After the movie the girls were in tears I hope their tears of happiness and joy .

" Didi is so beautiful . " Ara said as the girls nodded oh well thanks .

" I'm so proud of you Delle . " My mom said as we all laid down on the bed telling stories , laughing and taking selfies . I look at my phone as a notification from insta popped up I liked it and it was a picture of us with a bomb caption .

* Midnight çruising in moms tea room . ~ shock emoji *

Aurora sure knows how to make a caption and before we knew it lights off .

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