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Picture of Adam on top .


" it's for the best . " Adam said hugging me .

" I know . " Adam left as I stared at the moon wondering if it's always so lonely .

" Hey . " I look back to see A.J walking by me and stood by my side .

" Happy Birthday . " He said .

" Thank you . " I said .

'' I - ah wonder what would you want on your birthday maybe a necklace but I bet those guys gave you one a shoe I know you have a lot, money you have a lot in your bank account, love you have Damon of course so I know what you need . " He said turning to me as I turned to face his handsome face and those glowing grey eyes and what is my gift then .

" My gift for you is that you'll see A.J for one last time . I'll be A.J and you can whatever you want to me like I'm A.J . " He said as I felt my heart jumped of happiness this is the best gift ever . I lift up my hands to A.J's cheeks as he pulled me closely to him . I felt his heart beat and his breath I never felt strong and I know it was A.J that kept my heart going .

" A.J . " I said finally saying is name . 

" Yes Adelle . " A.J said holding my hands .

" Do you love me . " I said as A.J kiss my hands .

" I've always have Adelle you are the only one my heart wants . " He said as a tear escaped my eyes at least I heard it from him this is enough for me .

" I've always dream of you to see you one day and here you are again . The love of my life and my sunshine . I can't believe that your here , A.J if this is a dream then I wish that I'll never wake up ,  my heart belongs to you to this life and for eternal and today I accept that your gone , that you've disappeared and today I'm letting you go . I'm freeing myself and I hope that you'll find happiness and that one day will meet again my love , you may have forgotten about me but I will always love you . " I said as I smashed my lips in A.J's lips and he didn't pushed me away he kissed me back and our lips moved in sync as I pulled away .

" Good-bye A.J . " I whispered and turned to leave but A.J stopped me .

" Adelle I never regretted the day I kissed you  . " He said .

Oh my gee .

" Jay thank you and I'm sorry  goodbye . " I said .

" You're not going anywhere right . " He said as I just smiled going back to the party .

Secret POV

Happy birthday Adelle and you look stunning in that black dress perfect for a funeral of course .

" Ma'am . " My assistant called as I signaled her to sent Ara the picture of A.J and Adelle kissing .

" Ma'am it's done . " She said as I  sip on my wine and went to dance with Adam .

Ara's point of view ~

" A.J where have you been . " I said as A.J appears from the balcony as I just saw Adelle came from here too but it's not like their cheating on me or something .

'' I was just outside getting some air . " He said as I pulled him to me .

" Okay I'll meet you upstairs later.  " I said smirking as A.J kisses me yes he's such a sweet heart . I look over for my phone but it was no where to be found and I just remembered I left it in the girls room after we took our selfie , ugh oh well I'll just enjoy the party and where is Adelle .

Adelle's POV

My heart was broken and was happy at the same finally I let him go now I'm ready to leave .

" Adelle ! " Annarose called out as I was drinking a red wine .

" What . " I said as Arrica and Anna were all looking nervously but Aurora was busy laughing .

" Mom she ah you tell her . " Arrica said.

" No you tell her . " Annarose said .

" I'll tell her mom is in the room with a man . '' Aurora called out Annarose hit her, Oh G I bet she's hella drunk  now .

" Girls wait here I'll go get mom . " I said as I went upstairs looking for my mom because there are about 13 rooms in this house so wish me luck . I got to the sixth room and I heard strange sound's I opened up the room and it was A.J and Ara shoving each other's tongue down their mouth. 


" Ah sorry . " I said slamming the door ugh I hate them . I got to the other and I heard similar voices too I opened the door hoping it was my mom and it was her with a man on a chair smooching with each other ew .

" Mom ! " I yelled closing my eyes .

" Oh Adelle whats up . " Athena said as I opened up my eyes to catch my mom falling on me as I held on her as she continues with her clumsy self . I look over to the man sitting nervously on the chair .

" Hey stay away from my mom if I catch you again I'll cut off your balls . " I said dragging my mom out of the house and I got her a limo to take her back home while I went back to look for the girls and Aries .

Man it's hard to search for those brats I spotted Adam at the corner and I went to him .

"  Ems could you help me look for the brats . " I said snatching his drink as we took different direction . Adam went upstairs since I don't want to go up there . I went to kitchen and saw Aurora wrapped around a familiar guy as they were having a heated make out session , shit .

I grab Aurora's hair and pulled her away from Josh's brother I knew he was familiar . I yanked the guys shirt towards. 

That guy's a hoe .

" Hey you ! Stay away from Aurora if I ever catch you again I'll kill you ! . " I said yanking the guy forward as he ran away .

" Adel- . " Aurora said as I slap her on the cheek as she cries out . I was so pissed off that I grab her and I grab a knife to cut her hair but I was pulled away by Adam as Arrica and Annarose took Aurora outside and it made me pissed off more , shit .

" Adam let me go . " I said as I step so hard on Adam's foot causing him to cry as I ran free going after Aurora . I ran in the front and they were gone , shit .

I look over at the lake as I saw a lady crying and it looks like she's contemplating on jumping oh such a nice birthday party I thought sarcastically  walking over to the lake and I recognize the girl as she jumps in the lake .

" Acezy !!!! " I yelled .


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