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Athena's POV

Adelle was acting really strange at the hospital I just know something's wrong I thought as I walked in the girls room watching them all asleep and it's nine in the morning . I slowly walk to Annarose's bed and wake her up .

" Anna . " I whispered as she opens her eyes .

" Mom what is it . " She said sleepy as I Hush her up .

" Meet me in the tea room with everyone except Adelle got it . " I said as Anna nods her head as I turned to sneak outside . I close the door slowly and I'm out , yess .

" Mom ? " I turn around to see Ara staring at me like I'm a thief .

" Oh good morning dear bye . '' I waved as I walk away my twins will be surprise this Friday it's their 25th birthday .


Adelles POV

I woke up feeling very exhausted and I looked at my ankles and legs they were all swollen and as I breath there's less air going in damn this is tough .

I look around the room and luckily the girls were gone so I ran to the shower and clean my body . I step outside the mirror after a long bath and stared at me pale self my face looks so different . I went in Acezys wardrobe and got a short and a blue shirt and walked outside to look for the girls .

" Adelle ! " I turn to my left to see Ara in a white cropped dress with red heels damn I envy her. 

" Hey Ara where's Everyone . " I said as we both walked down to the garden .

" I don't know I saw mom today sneaking in your guys room and than later everyone just disappeared . " She said as we sat down in the bench it's a lovely day .

" So how's the wedding planning and did Jay come with the wedding dress . " I said looking at Ara .

" Yeah he came with dress . " She said is something wrong

" Is everything okay . " I said

" I guess it's just that I want Jay to love me as Ara not Rose . " She said as I kept my eyes on the roses .

" I just hate leaving under that girls shadow and what happens if he's going to find the real rose . " She said as I held her hands .

" Ara for the passed three days I've been with Jay all he said to be was how much he loves you and how much he wants nothing but to marry you fast . Jay loves you Rose is just his dreams and fears , he told me that . " I said as Ara smiles and hug me .

" I'm glad your here Didi . " She said .

" I'm glad I'm here to'o . " I said .

" Hey who's A.J the one Jay asked you in the beach house . " She said as I felt my heart twists .

" H-he's someone my heart wants and someone I want to forget but my heart won't let me . " I said .

" Aww that's so beautiful Didi I admire you, you know . You're successful and smart. You are bold , strong , beautiful and sometimes I wonder if you really are my twin . " She laugh as I laugh as well..

" Oh man I'm glad I'm your twin . " She said.

" Hey beautiful girls . " Damon said appearing in the garden as Ara pokes me standing up .

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