9: New Threats, Nostalgia and Surprises

Start from the beginning

"Yeah. Thanks." Scott says as he also climbs out of the jeep. Suddenly, I realize something.

"Scott? How are you going to get home?" I ask.

"I'll run." He grins.

"Are you sure?" I ask skeptically.

"Yes, I'm sure. Goodnight Stiles. I'll see you at school." Scott grins and takes off running. I chuckle and shake my head as I watch Scott's figure disappears into the darkness. He's gonna have a lot of trouble when he wakes up. I doubt he'll even come to school. He wouldn't make it through the day. I turn around and walk into the house. I quickly get ready for bed. I then pull the quilt aside for me to climb into the bed. Once I'm in, I pull the quilt back over me again. I sigh happily as my head rests against the pillow. I wrap the quilt closer around me, keeping in the warmth. After not long at all, I fall asleep.


I wake up to my blaring alarm. My hand flails around, trying to find the off button. Finally, I find it and everything goes quiet. I sit up, wiping my eyes groggily. I don't feel awake. I wish I could just lie back down and sleep the rest of the morning. Unfortunately, I can't. I sigh as I get out of bed and get ready for school.

Half an hour later, I walk slowly out of my house and towards the jeep. I'm feeling slightly better, but I still feel like going back to bed. I jump into my jeep and drive to school. Once I get there, I get out quickly and search for my friends. I laugh when I see Scott sleeping against a tree. I make my way over to him. Knowing this is the perfect time to try and scare him, I walk behind him, grab his shoulders suddenly and make a 'roar' noise. Scott yelps and springs to his feet, looking around wide eyed. I get back up onto my feet while laughing like there's no tomorrow. I didn't actually think that my plan would work. "Stiles! What the hell are you doing?" Scott asks breathlessly.

"Scaring you." I tease, lightly punching Scott's shoulder. Scott rolls his eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, very funny." He says. I smirk.

"I knew you'd have a hard time today." I comment.

"I didn't think it would be this bad." Scott groans. Just then, the bell rings.

"Well, I wish you good luck. See you in economics, okay?" I tell Scott before I turn around and walk towards the school building. I hope today isn't going to be totally horrible. When I enter the classroom, I see most of the students are already there. A minute later, the teacher arrives. Thankfully, no one seems to be panicky about yesterday. They seem to have gotten over it somehow. Before I know it, the teacher lectures on about something that I have absolutely no interest in. I end up staring out the window for most of the lesson.


Three lessons later, as I sit down in my seat in the economics class, Scott walks in and sits next to me. He has a worried expression on his face. "What is it?" I ask gently.

"It's Derek. He just texted me what we missed last night." Scott answers in a whisper.

"What did we miss?" I lean over in interest.

"Chris Argent was at the meeting. He told everyone that there was a new hunter coming to town." Scott whispers back.

"Really? Who?" I ask.

"Derek said his name is Daniel Miller. But he's no ordinary hunter. Apparently he's here to find something... Different." He answers. "Like what?" I gulp nervously. Scott shrugs.

"I don't know. I don't think anyone knows." He replies.

"But Argent did say this. He has known Miller for years. He knows that he'll never give up a hunt and his methods aren't always humane. He doesn't care about the code." Scott adds. Well, that doesn't sound good. I should try to stay away from him. "But why is everyone okay with him coming? They could easily stop him." I point out.

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