Dear Diary: My Delinquint...Chap 1

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I can't believe this book took off when I wrote it when I was 13. If you guys are interested then I recommend you guys to view my newest story "17 year old virgin in highschool".


Dear Diary:

Twelve months ago my parents adopted a sixteen year old boy. That's a year to be exact. His name is Colton. Colton. Just by looking at him you would think he's your typical emo. But no he's not. A past. Every body has one. Some are good some are bad. Unlike Colton he has a, well rough past. Cops and social securities have told my parents half of what he has gone through. My parents wont even tell me most of it. But I m aware of some of it. Yeah I do know its a little personnel but he is my adopted brother after all. I am Tessa and I am determined to get Colton to open up to me. Get him to trust me.


"TESSA! GET YOUR BUTT DOWN HERE." My mother dearest yelled from the bottom of the stairs.

God, I hated Mondays. Not only is it Monday its my sophomore year. Like any other person I hate school.


I cut her off before she could give me an headache. "I'M UP. MAKE ME BREAKFAST!"

I could hear her grunt and some shuffling at the bottom of the stairs "TESSA, YOU DON'T USE THAT ATTITUDE WITH ME!" God she was giving me a headache.

"I WAS JUST KIDDING!" I screamed down the stairs. My mother could be so dumb sometimes.

I quickly threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a black t-shirt. Lined my eyes with eye liner whilst quickly running an brush through my dark brunette hair.

Rushing down the stairs I almost tripped on the bottom stair. I'm such a klutz. Especially in an hurry. When I could be in my warm,safe, cozy sleep luring bed.

"IM HERE." I screeched when I sauntered into the kitchen. Colton was already picking at his cereal. His black hair hanging in his eyes. Boy, did he need an hair cut.

"You don't have to fricking scream your whiny voice in every body's ear." Colton frowned but still criticized me anyway.

"God I think my ears bleeding." He shook his head back and forth.

How do I deal with this well I don't.I shrug it off, roll my eyes and glare. I do cut Colton some slack. Most of the time.

"Colton let's go." I sighed impatiently whilst grabbing an apple. "School starts today."

Colton just sat there looking bored out of his mind. "I know!" He gruffly pushed me out of the way. I sighed. Sometimes my anger cant take much as I kicked the fridge.

"Ow FU-"I was cut off by my sleep waking mother. " Don't even start Tes."

I had to count to ten before meeting Colton in the family Ford. Which we were aloud to use to take us to and back from school.

The truck made a screeching noise as we came to an abrupt stop in front of the school. Colton didn't say anything as he yanked open the door and got out. Leaving me to fend for myself. Just great what a great way to spend the first day of high school. Note the sarcasm.


"How is he, Tessa?" My dear friend Melissa asked.

I found myself face palming myself. How was he. He is still absolutely traumatized and he will be for a long time. He ignores every body. The only words he speaks are swears. I haven't heard him say a sentence without swearing. He was neglected his whole life. Beaten and abused. I am surprised he hasn't took out his anger on anyone yet.

"Well he started his anger management classes last weekend. But other then that he hasn't been too much trouble."

"How are those?"

"What? The anger classes?" She nodded. I let out a load audible sigh. "He doesn't say anything but I know for a fact that he hates them."

"What class do you have now." Yes, a change of subject. I looked down to my schedule. "Bio."

"Oh thank god. I thought I would have to do it alone." She grasped my wrist pulling me down towards biology with Mr.Good men.

I have a feeling this wouldn't be my favourite class...


Every Wednesday is an update so ya...





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