Part 39~Accident

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//5 Months later\\
Haley's pov: I'm officially 6 months pregnant and boy do I have a belly. I'm huge for being 6 months!! Let me catch you up on everything!

So starting off with Cameron. He has been so good to me and the baby. I was totally wrong when I said that he was not fit to be a dad. He is going to be the best dad ever. Who am I kidding? He already is. We have even talked about moving in together!

My mom has been the most supportive mom ever. Gina and Sierra are super excited about the baby too and they are very supportive!

We don't know what the baby's gender is because we want to keep that a surprise.

We are definitely going to have the cutest family ever. I'm sure of it.

Right now Cameron and I are walking to Babies R Us to get some things for the baby. We both crossed the busy street hand in hand and walked into the store. We were greeted by a cashier saying a gentle "hello."

Cam responded with a genuine smile and I gave her a small "hi" back.

Once we found what we were looking for we checked out and started heading to our car. We crossed one side of the busy street and we were waiting for other cars to pass.

Cam dropped a bag by accident and I reached for a bottle that had fallen out. As I was reaching I slipped and fell and a car hit me right on.

I immediately blacked out.

Cams pov: I dropped a bag. How clumsy can I be honestly. I was picking the things up around me when I saw Haley fall into the street in the corner of my eye.

All I heard was tires screeching and a loud scream coming from the driver. I gasped and turned right around. All I saw was Haley under the car with a pool of blood around her.

"Oh Haley." I said running over to her.

I kneeled down and held her hand. She blacked out already.

"Haley, baby, please stay with me. You'll be okay. Please be okay." I said quietly while crying.

"Sir, please move to the side while we get to her." A paramedic said pushing me to the side. I sat there wiping my tears away but that just made me cry even more.

All I saw was the paramedics picking her body up and taking her into the ambulance. I quickly got up and ran to the back of the ambulance.

"Sir, please stay out." They said pushing me out.

"That is my girlfriend! Let me in!" I said pushing them back and jumping in. I sat next to her and held her cold hand.

They started driving and a paramedic started taking her shirt off to try and help the baby.

"Will she be okay?" I asked.

"It's uncertain." He said back.

I let out a huge sigh and cried even more.

"Baby doll, I know you're in there. Please wake up and be okay. I need you. Your mom needs you. My mom and Sierra needs you. Our baby needs you. Please don't leave me here. Don't leave our baby. Our baby needs a mommy. He or she needs you. Please wake up. I love you. I love you so much."

I whispered in her ear.

"That's good, we have a pulse. Keep it up." The paramedic said to me.

"Baby doll, I'm right here. I'm not leaving you and you better not leave me. Stay here with me. I need you here."

"We're losing her again." He said.

I let go of her as he shocked her to get her breathing again.

"We are losing her!" He yelled. He shocked her again and I just leaned my head up against the car wall and cried harder.

We came to a stop and they rushed her into surgery. I ran into the waiting room and say in the chair. I set my head in my hands and cried some more.

"This would have never happened if I didn't drop that bag. If she dies, I will be responsible for her death. I will never forgive myself. Ever." I whispered to myself.

I leaned my head on the chair arm and quickly fell asleep thinking about Haley and our baby.

This cannot be happening
So hi guys!!! I have missed you all so much!!!!! If any of you are wondering, I did deactivate mattslame. (Used to be griersjoy) idk that account is just going downhill and I don't think it will ever go back uphill😁. I kind of want to bring it back and start making fanfictions again but I feel like if I do that more people will hate me... It's like going in a circle with that account. Anyways I'm on summer so I'm going to try and finish this fanfiction!! Sorry I haven't been updating at all. Just been super duper busy! I love you guys❤️ stay beautiful lovelies❤️

Bullied by Cameron Dallasजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें