Part 32~Morning Sickness

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Haley's pov: I woke up and yawned. I rubbed my eyes and looked over at Cameron still sleeping. I had a weird feeling in my stomach. I quickly sat up and ran to Cam's bathroom. I started puking.

I tried pushing my hair back but it was no use. I just let it go.

Cameron ran in and pulled my hair back thankfully. He rubbed my back as I continued to puke. Eventually I stopped.

I groaned and wiped my mouth.

"Are you okay?" Cameron asked.

I closed the lid and sat on it. Cameron kneeled down in front of me and rubbed my knees.

I shook my head and began to cry. Cameron pulled me into a hug and squeezed me. I hugged him back and tried to stop crying.

"Do you want me to take you to the doctors?" He asked me letting go.

I shrugged and wiped my tears. I ran my fingers through my hair and he got up. He walked over to his sink and grabbed a washcloth. He brought it under the faucet and then walked back over to me. He wiped my mouth with the warm washcloth. I smiled.

"Thank you." I said once he was done.

"Anytime beautiful." He smiled and rinsed the washcloth. I got up and washed my hands after he was done rinsing the washcloth.

He started leaning in but I quickly stopped him. I dried my hands and he had a confused look on his face.

I laughed and said "Cameron. I just got done puking. You really want to kiss me?"

He shrugged and grabbed me by the waist. He kissed my cheek repeatedly and I laughed.

"Do you want to go to the doctors?" He asked me still holding onto my waist.

I shrugged. "Let's see how I feel in like a couple hours."

He nodded and kissed my cheek. I turned and grabbed a toothbrush. I put some toothpaste on it and began brushing my teeth. Cameron went to his bed and laid down. I finished and spit. I set the toothbrush down and wiped my mouth. I walked over and laid on the bed.

He rubbed my back and laid down beside me. I turned on my side facing him and brought him closer. I set my hands on his cheeks and smiled. He leaned in and kissed me. I kissed back and smiled through the kiss.

We let go and just smiled at each other. I leaned my forehead on his forehead and continued smiling.

"I love you." I told him.

"I love you more." He said.

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