Part 15~Please forgive me

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Haley's pov: After watching an hour of YouTube videos I walked upstairs looking for food.

I walked into the kitchen to see a note from my mom and it said "the moms went shopping! (: Have a good day kids. We better not get a call to bail your asses out of jail! We love you♡"

I laughed to myself and set it back down opening the cabinets.

"H-Haley?" Cameron said from behind me.

I closed my eyes and sighed leaning my head on the cabinet.

"What Cameron?" I groaned turning around and crossing my arms.

I saw him rubbing his hands together and then he would scratch the back of his neck.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean any of that."

"You said that already." I shook my head and grabbed crackers then went into the fridge looking for the cheese.

"I know I did but I mean it. God I messed up bad... Again. Will you forgive me?"

I grabbed the cheese and a knife and turned around looking at him. I shrugged and walked out into the living room.

"Please Haley. I'm sorry. I'm so so so so so fucking sorry. Please-"

I cut him off saying "where's Sierra and Emma?"

"Uhh their either on the boat with Michael or walking."

I nodded and sat down turning on the TV.

"Please forgive me Haley. I will do anything."

"You would do anything huh?" He nodded quickly and intertwined his fingers together.

"Go outside, yell 'Haley is the best person in the entire world!' Then I want you to get into only your boxers and run around the block yodeling."

"Are you serious?" I nodded and smirked.

He rolled his eyes and went outside yelling it. Then he came back and ripped off his clothes and posed.

"You just wanted to see me in just my boxers. Well go ahead. Mentally take a photo."

I laughed and threw a pillow at him and he caught it throwing it back.

"Okay, be back in a few." He said running out.

Maybe 5 minutes later he came back in and put his clothes back on.

"Now will you forgive me?"

"Oh cam, you didn't have to do all that. I would have forgave you if you asked again."

He dropped his jaw as I laughed and jumped up running downstairs and hiding under my covers on my bed.

He ran downstairs also and said "omg I lost Haley!"

I covered my mouth and tried not to laugh.

Seconds later he grabbed me and pulled me out and said "found you!" I laughed as he set me back down on my bed.

I sat up and we just stared at eachother. He soon started leaning on and so did I. Our lips met and moved in perfect sync.

We let go breathless and both said "wow."

I giggled as I kissed him again but then Sierra yelled "We're home!!!"

Then we let go and laughed as we both walked upstairs.

Bullied by Cameron DallasWhere stories live. Discover now