Chapter Thirty Six

Start from the beginning

And with that, Jaiver's body began to mutate, the skin shimmering and bubbling as though something inside was trying to break free. From the lump of his arm grew a shiny purple grey pincer, the skin stretching into the air, curving and hardening. Javier's lower body changed as well, his legs elongating while two more pairs seemed to erupt from his sides. He bent down, convulsing while still keeping that insane grin of his face as a stinger grew and arched over his head, a protective armor made of the same substance as his claws encasing his upper half. In a second, Javier had transformed into a half man, half scorpion like creature, his demon form a terrible sight to behold.

"What's the matter?" Javier asked, his voice low and whispered, sounding as though many of him were speaking at the same time. "Aren't you going to turn into your true form? Oh I see." He glanced in Joan's direction, who was watching the spectacle with amazement and interest. "You don't want her to see it. You're worried she'll be repulsed by it."

Avander chanced a glance in Joan's direction, then back to Javier with a smirk. "You've got the wrong idea. " He said, shadows swirling around him. "I just believe I can easily beat you, even in this form."
Javier licked his lips with his forked tongue, regarding Avander closely. "It's your funeral." He shrugged and lunged.

Javier forced Avander to the ground, trying to claw at his face with his pincer. Avander held the pincer above his head, feeling Javier apply more pressure in order to make him let go. Avander held on, but eventually he could not keep it there. Still holding him down, Javier clasped Avander's arm, the sharp edged cutting into his skin and he attempted to clip it off just as Avander had done to his arm. But before any more damage could be done, Avander summoned his strength and blasted Javier away, aiming a glowing orb at his chest. But Javier's armor was too thick to penetrate and the orb bounced off it harmlessly.

"Nice try." Javier taunted, raising his hands as a giant pulsating orb of purple energy manifested in the air. "Now it's my turn!"

Avander desperately tried to avoid the oncoming mass of unstable energy, but failed. The orb seemed to smash into him, encasing him in a bright burst of light and blasting him off his feet, sending him crashing into the still standing stair case, causing it to collapse on top of him. Joan cried out, calling his name, but there was no response. As the dust settled, Javier scuttled over, moving aside the broken brick work and twisted metal banister parts until he found Avander's battered body. He held him up in triumph, watching as the semi conscious demon made no effort to fight back. He positioned his stinger directly overhead, aiming at Avander's neck.

"It looks like your finished Avander." He sneered. "That's what you get for interrupting my chat with lovely Joan. Think she'll miss you when you're dead? I doubt it. But don't worry, I'll be good company for her."
The end of the stinger drew dangerously close, then back, quivering slightly. There was a sudden flash and it plunged down.

A high-pitched scream shook the walls of the building, the few intact windows shattering as a result. Blood streamed across the floor as Javier drew back, screeching in agony as it gushed from his stinger, which had been chopped off cleanly. The sharp, poisonous end lay a few feet away.
"You!" Javier cried, pointing wildly. "I'll get you for this bitch!"

Avander, who had managed to get back to his feet, looked around to see Joan standing a few meters away, her hand outstretched and palm glowing. The anger still shone clearly in her eyes , her determination unwavering in spite of the glowering demon before her.
"Well? Do you plan on finishing this fight anytime soon?" She demanded, shifting her gaze in Avander's direction and arching her brow questioningly. "I really don't have all day."

A grin crept onto Avander's face as he straightened up. Javier turned back, a surprised look on his face as though he had not expected him still be able to get up. Still grinning, Avander cracked his knuckles and a dark aura encased him, shadows forming sharp needles in mid air. With the wave of Avander's hand, the dark cloud above him plunged down on Javier, the shadowy needles passing straight through his armor and solidifying, puncturing many holes into the demon. Javier shrieked, looking very much like a voodoo doll as his many pair of legs scrabbled at air. Avander walked over, holding the demon there as he punched and kicked at his face and armor, the volley of attacks causing it to crack and break away, leaving Javier's bare skin expose. His chest was pierced by the many tiny needles, blood dribbling down his pale skin. He looked at Avander and cursed, coughing up blood in the process. Avander raised his hand to deliver the final, fatal blow, when Joan's voice stopped him in his tracks.

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