8: A Strange New Feeling

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"Where are we going then?" I ask as Scott starts the car. He shrugs.

"I hadn't really thought about it." He tells me honestly.

"Do you wanna go back to my place?" Scott offers after a moment.

"Okay, sure." I answer, closing my eyes. I try to keep myself relaxed. It helps with the pain slightly. What I probably really needed was a good long swim. I need to do that in the next day or so. Head on down to the beach and go for a swim. It doesn't even have to be that far out at sea. My dad has told me not to go to Atlantia anyway (but I probably wouldn't remember the way, if I'm being honest with myself). Before I know it, Scott is pulling up out the front of his house. "My mom will be home around seven. Maybe she could bring us some dinner." Scott suggest. I smile at him appreciatively.

"That would be awesome. Thank you." I reply. Scott just smiles back before he gets out of the car. He jogs around to my side and opens up the door. I manage to get myself out with Scott's help. I limp towards the front door. Scott hangs my arm around his shoulders so he can support me, making the trip easier. Eventually, we make it into the house. I fall onto the sofa face first. I groan a little before rolling onto my back so I'm staring at the ceiling. "Is there anything you want?" Scott asks kindly. "Maybe something for the pain?" I suggest hopefully.

"I'll see what I can do." Scott replies before rushing off somewhere. Slowly, I sit up. I start to think about how caring he is being right now. He's given up on going to the pack meeting for me, even when I told him that he could go on without me. For some reason, that makes me really happy. Kira's lucky to have a boyfriend like him. Imagine how caring he'd be around her. Wait, what? Why am I thinking about that? I shake my head, trying to brush off the strange thoughts. Unfortunately, they don't go away. My mind keeps wandering back to Scott and how much of a good person he is. Not to mention he's pretty good looking too... This time I slap myself in the face. It stings, but I don't care. I'm just glad it stopped me from thinking about anything else that's... Unusual, I guess. Finally, Scott rushes back into the room. I look up at him innocently. Scott holds out a packet of some sort of pills. "Here.  Got some pain killers. Hopefully it helps." Scott says as he pulls out the row of pills. He pops one out of its place and walks over to me. He places the rest of the packet down on the table. I hold my hand out and Scott drops the pill into my hand. "Thank you." I say quietly before swallowing the pill. It should take effect in about 15 minutes.

Scott sits down beside me. I smile at him gratefully. He smiles back. "I'm sorry I made you miss the meeting." I apologize. Scott's smile fades. "Stiles, you don't need to apologize. It's fine. It was my decision and you couldn't have changed it if you tried. Besides, not going means that I get to spend some quality alone time with my best friend." Scott assures me, nudging me in the ribs. I chuckle lightly. "Thanks, man." I say.

"So, how are things with you and Kira?" I ask out of the blue.

"Good. Things are good. We make out a lot and-" Scott begins.

"Okay! I get the point! Too much information!" I cut him off before he says anything else. Scott just laughs.

"You asked." He points out. I sigh and roll my eyes playfully.

"Whatever." I comment lightly.

"Stiles, if I may ask... How long have you been getting these pains? Is this the first time?" Scott asks cautiously. I sigh quietly, knowing that this question would have come up eventually. "Ever since I was little, I guess." I answer truthfully. Scott gasps. "And you never told me?"

"I didn't want to to bother you with something of such little importance." I try to dismiss the problem.

"You can tell me anything. Besides, this pain is not unimportant because you're clearly suffering." Scott responds. I don't say anything. "I can't stress this enough, but you know that you can tell me anything, right?" Scott asks, his eyebrows rising slightly. I nod quickly. "Yeah. Of course." I smile. A sudden wave of pain rolls over me, so the smile turns into a grimace. Scott moves slightly closer to see if I'm alright. I suddenly feel nervous and have butterflies in my stomach. I shake off the feeling and concentrate on the pain. "Here. This might help." Scott says, offering his hand to me. Hesitantly, I reach my hand out and hold his. I watch in wonder as the black veins appear on his hand and up his arm.

 I watch in wonder as the black veins appear on his hand and up his arm

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

The relief is immediate. I sigh happily. I glance back over at Scott. I can see his muscles in his jaw clenching. He's trying not to show that he's struggling with taking the pain, but he can't fool me. Suddenly, he gasps and his eyes flash red. I pull my hand back quickly. "I'm sorry... I'm shouldn't have made you do that..." I mumble.

"Don't apologize! It's not your fault! I could've handled it!" Scott protests. I shake my head.

"I could see you struggling." I point out.

"I guess I'm not used to that sort of pain. But I could've dealt with it for you. You're my best friend. I hate to see you hurt." Scott counters.

"Well, thank you. The pain has definitely lessened. And with the pain killers, I'm sure it'll be gone in an hour or so." I tell him. Scott smiles with relief. "You're welcome." He replies. I stare at Scott for a moment. I admire his warm, goofy brown eyes, pearly white smile, tanned skin... Suddenly, I realize what I'm doing and look away quickly. My heartbeat rises, but I calm it down as fast as possible. "What is it?" Scott asks curiously, shifting his position to face me more. I shake my head. "Nothing. I was just thinking about my parents." I lie. Scott seems to buy it. He puts a hand on my shoulder. "You know you can stay with me and my mom, right? We can keep you company." Scott reminds me.

"I haven't forgotten. As I said before, I might stay with you sometime soon. For now, I'm just going to wait until my dad gets back. He shouldn't be that far off." I answer. Scott nods understandingly,

"Let me know if you change your mind."

"Of course." I reply. Scott stands up.

"I'll tell you what. How about we watch a couple of Star Wars movies? You always wanted me to watch them. Now is a perfect time." He suggests. I smile brightly.

"Sounds good to me." I reply eagerly. Scott chuckles as he goes over to the basket DVD's. He pulls out a couple of the Star Wars movies. "Is it better to watch them in order or not?" Scott asks me. I shrug.

"Watch whatever one interests you. I can answer any questions you may have." I tell him. Scott nods as he opens up a DVD case and pulls a movie out. He inserts it into the DVD player and turns the TV on. He jumps back onto the couch beside me. Scott uses the remote to press play. As the opening credits roll on the screen, I start to wonder why I'm starting to look at Scott differently. I mean, I guess I have always thought that he was good looking, but I never gave it a second thought until recently. Do I like him more than just a friend? No, that can't be it. Can it? Scott's my best friend. His friendship means everything to me. I wouldn't do anything to ruin it. Besides, Kira is his girlfriend. Even if I did happen to like Scott, it could never happen. I'm almost 100% sure that he doesn't like guys, plus he also has a girlfriend. As for me... I don't know. I think that I might be bisexual, but I've never thought about it too much before. I'm dragged out of my thoughts when Scott lightly punches me in the arm.

"What?" I ask in confusion as I turn to look at him.

"Uh, I don't get what's happening." Scott gestures to the screen. I glance at the screen for a moment. To be honest, I haven't been concentrating, so I don't exactly know what has happened so far. Luckily for me, I know the franchise so well. I turn back around to face Scott and explain to him what the movie is about and the basics of what is happening.

Creatures from the Ocean (Sciles)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin