Big News

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Celestials POV

As I hear Stella talking to her friends about how she's getting married. But what's the most shocking part is that it's Kellin she's gonna be marrying. I started to keep going but accidentally hit my foot on the wall.

"Fuck!" I screamed/whispered. Stella must have heard me because she stopped talking and I heard foot steps come my way.

"Haha girls its just the poor little whore Omega Celestial. Aww are you upset because im gonna be marrying your mate. Just wait until he marks me then you will feel the real pain." Stella says.

" I don't care if you marry him he's nothing to me but the person who I can never trust, an abuser, a rapist, and plenty more. I will never let you or this pack get to me no more." I said almost screaming.

"Oh really, you should be lucky that your pregnant to the alpha or I would've already put you in your place." She started to raise her voice.

" Look just leave me alone and we won't have a problem here, so goodnight and im happy for you." I say and then walk upstairs.

Ugh my life is too much I just can't anymore. If it wasn't for my pups I probably would've tried to kill myself again. Sometimes I wish I just disappeared into life. Why did this have to happen to me.

As I start to walk in my room I can already smell him. I can't even take his scent in anymore. Everytime I smell him i just want to cry, and then the fact I have to live next to him now for my safety. As if Kellin actually cares for my safety he just wants the baby.

"Hi" Kellin said with a strong tone.

I whispered back "Hi" to him.

"I need to tell you some..." Kellin said but before he finished his sentence i stopped him

"I already know your fiance just told me downstairs when I was coming back from somewhere". I paused before I said "Congratulations, hope she makes you the happiest man in the world".

I smiled then walked into my closet to grab some clothes. Then went inside the bathroom and turned the shower on. Kellin was just standing there all sad looking, but I tried not to look at him as much as possible it just hurt too much to look at him.

"Ok well I want you to know that we're keeping the pups me and her". Kellin said and now I was pissed.

"Fuck no, she is not taking care of my pups you piece of shit. I don't fucking care if I have to fight the little skanky whore if i have to. I will fucking fight to death until you can pry my grasp from my pups. You have no damn idea how I feel about this right now but anger not even anger, I'm fucking pissed off right now. You think you can take these pups away from me im not going to let you and the that hoe do that". This where I stood my ground.

"Yeah well your not becoming the Luna, she is. And point blank you do not yell at me like that I am your Alpha and you are just a piece of scummy fucking trash". Kellin started to go into Alpha mode now.

"And I'm the Moon Goddesses only fucking descendant. You take my pups you fucking take her pups too. And pups is mine for keeping there both inside of me. I love you and I hate you. The choices your making are all because you think you won't be a strong pack with someone like me. Just because I Look weak doesn't mean I am" I started to cry and fall.

"I may look frail, small, weak, and many more. But just because I look like it doesn't mean I am that way. I'm supposed to be the strongest wolf in the world yet I don't brag about it. Nor do I show it because even though this pack has done me wrong. I believe in seeing the good in people". I started to get up to make my presence.

"And how do I know you are strong enough to do it huh? Explain to me show me how you can be strong and all that. Because you sure as hell don't talk back to me unless if you are asking for a death wish. And lately you seem weaker than ever before". He started to say when his ego started to kick in.

"I'm the strongest wolf out there not you and not anyone else that's for fucking sure. You don't tell me jack shit about telling me how bad I am as an alpha. I made this pack the strongest no one else and that is why were at the top". Kellin said using alpha tone.

I don't know what cane in me but my eyes started become as white as the moon and my tone changed into like a deeper yet feminine voice with this power. I couldn't even describe it, but it felt so good it was like something just changed me.

" I will not stand for you I'm the Moon Goddesses descendant. I am the one who will lead are people into better greatness than this where we all are equals and even the most powerful of all supernatural creatures out there. You do not get to hurt me like this that easily now. I am the mother these pups. And these pups are yours, so don't tell me anything about taking them and letting that trash of a fiance have them. Because they're not her, they are mine and yours". I said yelling with power almost like an alphas tone.

"Fuck you I can do whatever I fucking want." He said walking closer to me.

Now face to face with him only an inch away. Both our eyes were bright his pure black and mine as white as the moon itself.

"And I can do the same as you. These might be your pups inside me, but that does not mean you can take then and raise them with another. I love them to death they are growing inside of me and you need to get that in your thick head". I said and started to poke him in his hard chest.

"Watch it before I hurt you. Touch me and I will hurt you". He said putting his hand around my neck.

He started to add more pressure. As I start to walk back until I hit the bathroom door. I look into his eyes and we have a moment for some reason.

"How about you leave and go to your whore". And with that I opened the bathroom door and locked it.

I hit the door with my back and slide down. I start to hear him walk out and close the door. Finally I started to get undressed and walked in the shower. The warm serene water going down my body felt great. I then looked down noticed my body. My belly started getting really big. I didn't notice it until now.

I started to smile and started to tear a little. I can't wait to see you two you know. Huh I'm gonna change for you too and I don't you to worry about a father I will always let you see the dummy. But I will never let him have you two without me.

"Maybe oneday me and your father could have future together. But until then I get to spend every minute with you guys. I love you so much my pups". And then I felt a kick.

I had an even bigger smile on my face. I started to finish showering and started to dry. I put my pyjamas on which is basically my underwear and a big band t-shirt from Bring Me The Horizon. I walked out my bathroom and laid down on my bed. Thanks to the new treatment i don't sleep on a cold floor in a basement.

I got under the warm covers and started to fall asleep. Before I completely fell asleep u whispered I love you my pups. And i fell asleep.

Kellin's POV

As I saw her go in and lock the bathroom door. I started to leave the room. I'm so frustrated right now thinking she can control me. Who does she think she is trying to do that let alone touch me. I went to my room and laid down in bed just thinking about her and those pups.

I hate her, but at the same time deep down i don't know if I am. I wish she was stronger or atleast someone who can actually look like a real Luna. Proposing to Stella was a big mistake. Life sucks sometimes I wish I wasn't the alpha, but I have to be.

My eyes started to get heavy and I started to finally sleep. I needed it being so stressed out about this bullshit.

And with that comes the end of this chapter thanks so much for reading. Please hit that star on the bottom and give me votes. Also comment I would love to hear how you like the story.

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